Merry Almost-Christmas, Internet . .
Album Title: A Very Special Christmas
Album Title: A Very Special Christmas
Album Artist: Various Artists
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"Special." |
This particular Holiday compilation is straight out of that '80s nostalgic vein that I usually appreciate, but the song choices on this record are kinda. . . meh. Not a lot of great stuff on here. Some good, lot of bad. With so many other better records out there vying for precious rotation time, I don't see this particular album really holding up.
But let me address one particular thing I did notice about this album: it's proceeds benefit the Special Olympics. And it's called 'A Very Special Christmas.'
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Um. . . |
Guys, let's just cut all the PC crap here and just call this album what it really is: A Very Retarded Christmas. When you call something 'Special,' and it's a byproduct of the Special Olympics, you're basically calling it retarded. I know that term is no longer considered 'cool' by society, but, as the saying goes:
"A rose by any other name is still retarded."
VERDICT: 6/10 - Meh (Totally '80s. . . but not in the good way.)
Album Artist: Various Artists
This one is barely worth my time. It's jazz, but it's shitty jazz. It's bizarre, it's overly-complicated to the point where it sounds more like noise than music, and the singing on here - yes, it's not even decent enough to be an instrumental jazz album - makes me want to kill myself.
True, there is one track from Dave Brubeck (however you spell his name) on here that isn't half bad, but considering the amount of talent you have on here - Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, etc. - you'd think this would be somewhat enjoyable. Right? Am I crazy to think that? Like I told you guys before: I'm not big into jazz in the first place, and this sounds worse than most other jazz I've heard.
On a closing note, I want to ask the Internet what the hell is going on with this mysterious drifter walking through the snow in the picture (at left)? I mean, it looks cold as shit out, right? Look at all that snow.
Where's the dude's hat? How about gloves and a scarf, bro? Clearly this dude's an idiot. And he probably has some kind of cognitive defect that clouds his judgement.
I bet he likes jazz.

True, there is one track from Dave Brubeck (however you spell his name) on here that isn't half bad, but considering the amount of talent you have on here - Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, etc. - you'd think this would be somewhat enjoyable. Right? Am I crazy to think that? Like I told you guys before: I'm not big into jazz in the first place, and this sounds worse than most other jazz I've heard.

Where's the dude's hat? How about gloves and a scarf, bro? Clearly this dude's an idiot. And he probably has some kind of cognitive defect that clouds his judgement.
I bet he likes jazz.
VERDICT: 2/10 - Reality TV (Gets a merciful bonus point for Dave Brubeck's track. . .)
- Brian
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