Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Last Brother Hitched

Cafe Zinc, in downtown Midland, where they got hitched.
Hi gang.

Today was a momentous occasion, make no mistake about it:  my little brother Chris got married to his long-term girlfriend, Nicole.  At a restaurant.  Over brunch.

There were seven of us on hand for this; they wanted to keep it short and simple.  Besides Chris and Nicole, there was the 'officiant,' Jeff, and his girlfriend; Nicole's witness (Amy or Alex, I forget her name) and her boyfriend, who served as the photographer; and Yours Truly, who served as Chris' witness (like I did at his last wedding.)

To call this wedding 'subtle' would be a ridiculous understatement:  our server didn't even catch what was going on, and only learned of the nuptials after the fact, as we were getting our check.

Needless to say, their wedding cost a hell of a lot less than ours.

Check it out:

A beautiful day for a "wedding."

The groom.
This was a pretty fancy place for a brunch.  Definitely a step up from a Denny's.
Signing the Marriage License(s).
Mr. and Mrs. Hough (2.3)
The photographer's girlfriend (Nicole's witness) bought a case of cupcakes to serve as the 'wedding cake,' but they only ended up using the one for this mandatory wedding reception pic (the rest I took home to feed to my sugar-fiending children.)
Newlyweds in front of some random Christmas tree in the H Hotel lobby.

- Brian

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