Happy Holidays, America!!!
This year's Christmas wasn't nearly as exhausting as in previous years, and I attribute this to two main factors. Firstly, even though Kris and I went to bed somewhat late on Christmas Eve (midnight-ish) and woke up at 6am, we both slept solid. There was zero anxiety about getting up before the girls and 'setting the scene' in the living room (though I managed to do so anyway, waking up around 5:55am), seeing how they're older now and the whole 'magic of Santa' thing has passed, the pressure isn't there anymore to make everything perfect. So once I was out I was out for a decent chunk of time.
Secondly, we all took a two-hour nap later on in the morning before ultimately going over to Mom's to celebrate Christmas, because in previous years we've attempted to power through the day and tough it out, only to turn into to zombies who can barely hold down a conversation. We always feel bad about this in hindsight, so this year we made sure we were conscious enough to actually have ourselves a proper visit.
So here you go, folks - this year's Christmas with the Houghs.
Behold. . .
These two can always smell the treats and bones in their stockings, so they zoom about the living room like a couple of assholes until someone gets into their stockings for them. |
Patiently waiting for the rest of the family. |
Rawhide 'stockings' may have been a little big this year. We didn't think that one through (I blame Kris.) |
Helping the dogs out. |
With the dogs finally placated with rawhides, the girls began going through their own stockings, with Yours Truly - as always - taking an obsessive amount of pictures. . . |
Some Stray Kids memorabilia (both girls are beyond obsessed with KPop right now. It's f***ing horrible, but at least it's better than anime. |
Dude's a fan. |
Kris gets shit like measuring cups in her stocking because she's super into being old and boring these days. |
Stockings took quite awhile this year - maybe a half an hour - but after they had sorted through and opened up all of the contents, they were ready for presents. |
Kris put together these gift bags concerning a bunch of crap for their nails (which, I'm told, is the cat's pajamas if you're a girl.). These nail polish bags were purchased in order to clean up the hot mess that is the hallway closet, where nail stuff (press-ons, polish, accessories, etc.) is littered everywhere. |
They can house all their nail polishes and accessories in one convenient, little case and stack them in the closet. I'm more than cool with this. |
I just bite my nails. Way easier. |
We bought them hair trimmers for legs and wherever else women shave. This will hopefully cut down on their time in the bathroom. |
Some expensive frickin' foundation she just had to have. Kids suck. |
A music stand so she could stop stealing her sister's when she has to practice her cello. |
Some Minnetonka slippers Kris found for dirt cheap at Marshalls (I know this because Kris clearly forgot to remove the tag.) |
Back to boring Kris, who was really wanted a new spice/napkin holder for her kitchen table. Doesn't take much to impress this one. |
Kris bought me a few boxes of various drink glasses this year - high/low-ball cocktail glasses, etc. - which is funny because she always complains I have too many as it is. |
Both girls really wanted personal Chromebooks this year - because a lot of sites are blocked on their school-issued ones, even at home - so I began doing research on top performing models. This convertible Acer (which can rotate back to perform as either a touchscreen tablet or a laptop) was the highest rated and best-selling unit I could find for under $300. |
I had it in my Amazon cart for weeks before it miraculously went on sale during a Lightning Deal. I was pretty excited. |
Of course in the video neither kid is super excited about opening them up, despite the fact that was the number one thing both girls requested this year. For f***s sakae.
More drinkware that, I'm sure, Kris will 'accidentally' break while doing dishes. |
The girls both knew right away what they wanted to get Kris for Christmas this year - a new toaster. Our four-slice toaster still works fine, but after nearly seventeen years of service (it was on our wedding registry) all the markings on the buttons have worn off and the metal has grown stained. Kris had made comments about getting something nicer and smaller for the counter space, so the girls pounced on this idea. |
I did some research (because I'm a nerd like that) and ordered this one for her. |
More presents. . . |
For your face, not a canvas. So I'm told. |
An upgrade for the Cannonball's room. |
Kris looks 'special' in this one. |
We ordered this for our family for future parties with our friend group, but figured if we made it a combo gift for the girls it'd be one more random present to open up under the tree. |
Same goes for this Blu-Ray set. We all enjoy these movies (though not nearly as much as The Lord of the Rings, obviously), so when it went on sale during Black Friday/Cyber Monday, I snatched it up. |
Opening up my big gift from the wife and kids. |
A regulation-size Beer Pong Table for our social gatherings. |
I had actually looked at this on Amazon back in the fall, while preparing to set up for our Halloween Party, but held off because it was kind of expensive. I was definitely pretty stoked to get this thing, it will come in handy. |
Some books for their personal libraries (they take after me.) |
Samson, as usual, stuck next to Kris throughout the morning. He's her little shadow. |
Opening up some of the last gifts (again, not the reaction we wanted on video - they always get shy when the cameras come out . . .)
Abby really wanted these limited edition Stray Kids Converse high-tops. |
They're pretty hideous, but she's clearly a fan. |
Alayna has brought up on multiple occasions that she wanted to start collecting vinyl, so over the last couple months I started buying LPs of bands I know she likes off of various sites whenever they go on sale. I bought most of these for $10 - $15 apiece, which is dirt-cheap (since most double-LPs run like $30 each now, which is absolutely ridiculous.) |
I picked her up System of a Down's self-titled (her favorite of theirs), Green Day's Dookie, the soundtrack from the first season of Stranger Things (which she's a fan of), two double-LP collections of Five Finger Death Punch (like anthologies of Best Of's or some shit). . . |
My Chemical Romance's Black Parade. |
She's got a solid head start on a collection now. |
And so ends Gift Opening. Finish time: 7:57am. |
The contents of my stocking this year: pipe tobacco, jerky, black licorice, mini liquor bottles, wax melts and oils of various Disney World ride scents, and a personal nail grooming set (as Kris is not a fan of me biting my nails.) |
With coffee and presents vanquished, it was time for Kris and I to move on to mimosas. . . |
Breaking out the new, stem-less champagne flutes that Kris got me (that's really for her.) |
This is a pretty legit table - perfect size for the sport. |
I helped Alayna register all her new vinyl in Discogs once she had established a profile. Got make it official, you know. |
Getting ready to head over to Mom's in the afternoon, once everyone had rested up a bit. Abby shows off her fancy new kicks. |
Over at Mom's. Once we had all eaten some lunch, we gathered in the living room to let the kids open up some gifts. |
Chris and Nicole were also over there with their three kids, who are by no means loud and hyper-active. |
Mom helps Nora open up. . . something (I forget what it was.) |
Grandpa Chinery was there as well. |
Grandkid chaos. |
Chris loves being a dad. You can just tell. |
Abby was a big fan of this chapstick that looked like lipstick. Whatever works, kid. |
Mom can't figure out how to work one of the gifts she got the twins. . . |
Abby had to help her. |
Samwise and Chris |
Abby's creepy-ass frog hoodie. . . |
Some incense burner Alayna found on Amazon, where the smoke billows down those steps like a waterfall. |
Kris tries to help Sam dislodge ribbon from the wheels of some crazy remote control car Mom bought the boys. |
John holds up a signed picture of their three kids. |
We got Mom and John a gift card to that fancy One Eighteen restaurant downtown. |
Post-presents carnage. |
One of Alayna's favorite after school hangout spots. Her and her group of friends usually walk there from school and study in the coffee shop until an adult can come pick them up. |
Back at home, a couple hours later, Alayna got to test out her new fancy incense burner. |
I decided to close out my night with an Old Fashioned, using one of my new fancy cocktail glasses and some Old Forester. Happy Holidays, Internet. |
- Brian
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