Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jam Sessions, Star Wars, and More Random Nonsense from November

Welcome back to the land of weirdness.

I haven't posted randoms in awhile.  So here you go - some day-to-day crap from the once-ninth month of the year. . .

The Cannonball gets a lot of attention around the house when it comes to playing music (usually in the form of us pulling our hair out over her reluctance to practice her violin), but lately we've been making more of an effort to include Abby in learning instruments, as she's past the age when we started introducing it to Alayna.
The strings on her violin need to be changed in the worst way, and so until her instructor can replace them she has to pluck the strings with her fingers instead of using the bow (FYI - if you've ever wanted to know what a cat sounds like being sodomized, try dragging a bow across some worn-out violin strings.)
Abby explains to me how you're supposed to play the ukulele.
Impromptu jam session.
She wanted to try out the guitar.  I don't think its her size.
Trying to play her violin sheet music with her uke.
Clearing out some shelf space for next week's Christmas decor invasion. . .
As previously discussed, Alayna asked for a drum set for Christmas.  Although we have absolutely NO intention of buying her one for Christmas, I still thought she'd enjoy hitting up the Guitar Center around the corner in order to check out the available sets and price a few things out.  For a junior-sized drum set - like the Ludwig set designed by ?uestlove you see in the background of the pic above - you're looking at dropping at least $300 or $400. . . and that's before you buy the cymbals and stands.  Sure, you can get a $100 set that includes a bass drum, a snare, a tom, and a cymbal. . . but that's little more than a toy, and I forbid any Hough from drumming on such nonsense.
One of Alayna's book report projects for school (I think she used some Fancy Nancy book for this. . . something to do with cupcakes.)  Kris, of course, had to make sure that Alayna's project and presentation was leaps and bounds beyond what was expected.
Kris had the girls working a game booth for Sunchild at a local Relay for Life event. . .
A Bozo the Clown staple
Our kids take awesome pictures.
(I think this lady works for some kind of gymnastics program. . .)
. . . or Ninja School.  I like the sound of 'Ninja School' way better.
Of course they had bounce houses.
Rocking some cold weather clothing for school (scoff if you want, but we've had some chilly weather down here lately.)

Abby bought this Noah's Ark thing at her Sunday school with some Bible Bucks.  She's obsessed with it.  Who knows why.
You know you've raised nerds when your offspring demand a private lesson in Ancient History on a Saturday morning. . .
The girls are getting to that age where they don't want to be disturbed in the bathroom.  Not looking forward to the next twelve years. . .
In closing, I'd like to share something with all of you.  Actually, I'd like to brag about it, if I may.

As you all know, for the last three or four years, I've attempted - in vain - to introduce my offspring to the almighty cinematic gloriousness of the Star Wars saga.  Alas, all of my attempts to get them into the series have been in vain - the kids just weren't having it.

Until now.

I'm not sure what it was this time around that worked - maybe it was Alayna being six, maybe the planets were properly aligned, who knows - but both kids were hooked.  I decided to utilize the infamous 'Machete Order' in introducing the girls to Star Wars, as it is - by far - the best way to view the saga (unless you can get your hands on one of those fan-made two-hour-long edit jobs that summarize the first two movies in an hour-and-a-half and cut all the crap out of the prequels.

I highly recommend you check out the order's merits on Youtube or Google, but - in a nutshell - here's how it works:

You start off with A New Hope, as God intended, but then after you wrap up Empire, you hit the brakes and back pedal to Episode II and III.  Then, when you round out the movies with Return of the Jedi, that final battle between Luke and Vader becomes all the more climactic, and you can truly appreciate the scope of what's happening, having worked your way through the back story.

Wait a minute, you might be thinking, what about Episode I?  How come that's nowhere to be found in this viewing order?

That's why it's called the Machete Order, folks - Jar Jar, all that blabity-blah concerning metaclorians, and every other terrible, nauseating, gut-wrenchingly bad aspect of Episode I had been cut out the Star Wars saga.  With a f***ing machete.

. . .and balance has been brought to the Force.

If you want proof about just how badass this viewing order is, check out the following clip:

- Brian

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