Tuesday, November 11, 2014

To the Esteemed Mr. Claus...

Happy November, Internet.

As you all know, now that Halloween is over it's more or less time for Christmas.  We tried fighting it for awhile, but Society is against us on this one.  Kris and I generally get a head start on shopping in early November, when the prices are better, and try to wrap it up by African American Friday. . . and if at all possible avoid stepping one foot inside a store during the Holiday season.

I hate people.

Anyway, the girls have recently been asking us if they could write letters to Santa and let him and his roommates up there in the melting ice caps know what they want for Christmas this year.  Abby took it upon herself to draft up not only her Christmas list this year, but also mine and Kris'.

Check it out:

To translate from Four-Year-Old to English:  she wants a Zarina (a character from Disney's The Pirate Fairy) doll, a pirate ship, tights, and a toy house (for her barbies.)  Kris and I have already picked up most of this, with the exception of  the pirate ship, as we're not sure if she wants a toy pirate ship or a real-life, actual 17th century brig.  My money's on the latter.
According to my children, Simpsons, Muppets and Star Wars toys should have been added to this.
Kris' list is boring.  Also, this marks the one and only time Abby has referred to her as 'mother.'
You'll note that Abby didn't write one for Alayna.  Alayna has taken special interest in writing her own this year.  Not that'll make much of a difference this year - Santa's not getting her shit from her list.

This is what the Cannonball is asking from Santa this Christmas:

            -   A drum set

            -   A cell phone

            -   A real Bow and Arrow (to shoot bad guys in the eye with)

So yeah. . . Kris and I are screwed this year.

- Brian

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