Saturday, October 4, 2014

Halloween Pre-Season

Abby pouts her way through Halloween City.
What's up, CyberSpace.

We got an early jump on the whole Halloween thing this year.  I mean, really early.  Like, mid-September early.  After a month and a half of drudgery, we needed a frickin' holiday to look forward to.  Aside from Christmas and St. Patrick's Day, Halloween's the biggest thing this family of ours does.

So a week or so ago - since we're weirdos and 'cause it was Saturday and we just don't give a f*** on Saturdays in this family - we dug out all our old Halloween decorations out and began sprucin' up the ol' homestead:

Abby the Witch.
This year, they decided to utilize the big, vacant building next door to the Guitar Center I frequent to house a Halloween City.  They did a few years back, but haven't since, so this was welcome news, since it's literally a two-minute drive from our garage to their parking lot (I could jog there, and that's saying something.)

Of course, they're not getting a lot of traffic yet (we actually showed up before it was officially opened and were turned away by puzzled employees who most likely wondered why anyone in their right mind would want to costume shop in the middle of September), but we go back once and awhile to shop around for ideas and decor for the house.

Played with resin-molded cat skeletons.  Of all of the things in the store to pick up and obsess over, this is what my kids were interested in.  They threw a fit when we told them we weren't buying them.  I guess we've raised psychopaths, who knows.

Kids in a Halloween costume shop?  Utter chaos.
As it were, both girls want to dress up as cats for Halloween this time around.  Kris and I were really expecting both girls to want to go as Elsa from Frozen - because that movie, for whatever reason, is straight-up crack for little girls - but we fortunately were able to dodge that bullet.

Abby busts a move in the middle of the store.  Like usual.

Cat costumes are pretty cheap and easy to throw together:  buy a pack of accessories (ears, tail, maybe a collar or some furry gloves to wear), dress the kid up in a leotard or tights or whatever, and draw a nose and whiskers on their face.  Booya.  There's your cat.

Kris and I could think of many shittier things our kids could've requested this year.  We gladly pounced on the cat idea.

Anyway, I'm sure there'll be more to follow as Halloween season heats up (or cools down, whatever sounds more weather-appropriate.)

Stay tuned. . .

Abby wants to go as a white cat this year. . .
Alayna as a black cat.

- Brian

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