Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Music Festival for Grandparents of All Ages

Despite Halloween continuing to loom in the not-quite-distant future - like some perv staring into a bedroom window in the middle of the night - October is more or less just another month of the Grind. Once and awhile we find the time to go out and do something, though.

Behold Sunday's random outing:

Winter Garden MusicFest '14 - arts and crafts, live music, food trucks, and an above-average income per capita.
The Cannonball
We met the Voigts there, who tipped us off on the event (they live in Winter Garden.)
Abby fretted over a scratch on her arm (caused by her scratching a bug bite) for about a half hour.  It was really, really awesome hearing her complain about it.
This is actually a pretty accurate cross section of MusicFest attendees, come to think of it. . .
I spy something hipster. . .
Chowin' down on some food truck ruffage (Adam and I decided to drink our lunch.)
The girls try cotton candy for the first time (why Kris bought a $5 bulk bag of it, I don't know. . .)
Every festival on Earth should have a company of these dudes on hand (obviously these old people snapping away feel the same way.)
Throwing acorns down the sidewalk.  Just 'cause.
You know what's also fun?  Digging through mulch beds for sticks.
Irish nachos.  Makes total sense.
An unruly crowd - seconds away from bursting into a giant mosh-pit.
Heading back to the van. . .
- Brian

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