Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Forced March for Sugar

Happy All Hallows Eve, gangsters.

. . . or whatever it's called.  I don't know.

I've never been one to really put a lot of stock into the back story concerning Halloween; I don't honestly care that much about it.  It's pumpkins, cheap costumes, and sugar - big whoop.  I'm sure at one point in time, a thousand years ago, there was a great festival around the event, and lots of naked dancing and virgin-sacrificing was to be had, but around here - in the Ginger Mill subdivision - we're short on both naked dancers and chicks who haven't been laid yet who agree to be knifed for a pumpkin.

(however that worked back in the day)

What we do have, friends, is a crapload of candy.

With that said, commence Halloween Trick or Treating 2012ENGAGE:

I picked up the girls from Sunchild around 5pm, and quickly force-fed them dinner in order to begin the costume suit-up process.  Trick or Treating kicked off at 7pm, and we wanted to get as much candy harvesting as possible in with the girls before they dropped dead from exhaustion. . .
Unfortunately, the pumpkins that we had carved with Papa and Nana - FOUR DAYS AGO - were already beginning to rot.  They were filled with mold and falling apart, so we were unable to light them. . . despite having stored them outside on the patio.
Yet another reason why I hate mold.  F*** you, Mold.
Kris had just gotten off of work, so unfortunately she didn't have time to get into costume for Trick or Treating
The round-up begins. . .
Dorothy, Strawberry Shortcake, and Kris.
Abby checks out her plunder.
Checking up on Toto, who lost his home in order to make room for candy. . .
Dorothy's progress
About a twenty minutes into Trick or Treating, Alayna started to grow tired and began riding in the wagon. . .
. . .Abby, on the other hand, was motivated by the prospect of copious amounts of sugar and soldiered through.
Hot wheels.
Strawberry Shortcake.  Still pumped.
Dad's turn to haul two lazy-ass children. . .
(by the way - this year, I went as a badass.)
These kids were dead on their feet after 42 minutes of Trick-or-Treating.  I blame this on their weak, Farwellian blood.
. . . though the offer of eating some of their hard-won candy seemed to keep them up a little while longer.  Go figure.
(I think Kris is wasted here. . .)
- Brian

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