Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween (er, "Fall Fest") at Sunchild

What's up, fellas,

Well, Yours Truly got to take another day off of work today, bringing my 'days off' this week to three: professional in-service day on Monday, Jury Duty on Wednesday, and - *queue fanfare* the 2012 Sunchild Academy Halloween Fall Fest Parade today.

Boy howdy do I ever love two-day work weeks.

Anyway, I drove up to Sunchild around 9am, armed to the teeth with cameras and camcorders.

I showed up a little early, so I killed time in Abby's classroom with some other parents as the kids did 'Circle Time.'
(Abby's not very big on participating.)
Abby kinda freaked out with me in the room, and ended up spending the next hour or two clinging to me like stink on a hobo.
Strawberry Shortcake, participating in a classroom photo op.
This is about the best one we managed to wrangle out of these kids. . .
The Wicked Witch leads her minions forward.  I decided to camp out in Abby's room for the parade (as Abby wasn't about to let me leave soon anyway).  Every class at Sunchild, according to the plan, would each take turns parading through each of the other rooms, seeing how they all connect to one another. 
The Cannonball spotted us as the Challengers parade through. . .
Watching the parade. . .
Strawberry Shortcake and Dorothy
After the parade, we hung out in Alayna's classroom and killed time before the Halloween party kicked off. . .
Abby ransacks the Challengers kitchen. . .
Impromptu Zumba session?  Why not.
Circle Time with Ms. Virginia, Alayna's VPK teacher.

Beginning of the Feeding Frenzy. . .
Healthy snacks.
I seized the opportunity while the kids were all busy stuffing their faces to sneak out and head back home.  I had a crap-load of lesson planning waiting for me, and for a two-hour Halloween shin-dig, I had to justify taking a full day off of work somehow.  Being an adult sucks.
- Brian

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