Sunday, November 11, 2012

Busch Gardens (sans Dad)

I've been wanting to do a family venture to Busch Gardens all year.

It was the original plan to make a mini vacation out of it and stay the whole weekend in Tampa visiting the Gardens for a couple days.  But, we bought a house instead.  No complaints there.  However, I did still have tickets for myself and the girls that could not be wasted.  I finally decided to pencil it into the calendar and make myself wake up early one Saturday morning and do the trek with the girls on my own.  Perhaps I lost a little sanity somewhere in my parenting days to make me think this would be no problem.  And technically, it wasn't.  The girls behaved themselves rather well despite pushing through naptime in order to get as many sites seen in one day as possible.

We spent a good chunk of the time in Sesame Street Land (or whatever they call it).  For the first time Alayna was not scared by the characters, and on the contrary, excitedly ran up and hugged as many as possible.  Meanwhile, I had to keep a safe distance back so Abby wouldn't tear me up as she was completely freaked out at the meer site of them.  Alayna showed us her brave side that day and jumped on a kiddie coaster without hesitation.  I was blown away.  She was big enough to ride, but not by herself.  Since I was occupied with Abby, the park worker for that ride, hopped on with her.  She looked a little freaked out when the ride was over, but admitted it was fun.

The rest of the day consisted of lunch, walking around viewing animals and a little train ride.  I had to rush out around 5 since, as mentioned before, they were lacking naps and getting a bit on the miserable side.  Made it home in the evening, only after getting off the wrong exit and extending our commute by an extra half hour.  Some great memories nonetheless.

Enjoy the pics.
- Kris

First Kiddie Coaster!  
So Brave!

Alayna was such a trooper and did most rides by herself.
Slowest ride imaginable
First time Abby did not refuse a carousel ride.
Lunch break.
Underwater viewing.
Train ride.
Watch out for the baby rhino.  Everyone's reaction: "Aww"

Looking for lions.

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