Merry Christmas Eve, Everybody.
Guys, this was a really, really weird
Holiday Season for Yours Truly. I'm usually a gung-ho Christmas sort of guy, in the vein of
Clark Griswold. For nearly two months, I'm on
Cloud 9 as our culture becomes enamored with gift-shopping, Christmas music, festive decorations and lights everywhere, and
way too much feasting and drinking.
Nobody enjoys the Holiday Season more than me.
But alas, that wasn't really the case this time around.
I'm not really sure what my deal was, but I never got excited about the Holidays this year. Wasn't feelin' the ol' Christmas spirit, if you will. Kris and I talked about it a few times, because she - uncharacteristically - got super into the Holidays this year, but I theorized my lack of spirit might have be related to a few different factors.
Many, many mistakes were made last night. Rest assured. |
First, it's been like 50 degrees, rainy, and gross outside for the last few weeks. It's like living in f***ing Seattle. There's nothing 'Christmas' about murky, overcast skies, excessive rain, and absolutely no snow to speak of. Atmosphere counts for a lot, and everybody loves a White Christmas, which - thanks to Global Warming - is a rarity anymore (I think since we've been back in Michigan, we've had one.)
Sleepy, cranky teenagers start moving about when Kris gets breakfast going. |
Secondly, it's not as fun buying gifts for my family anymore. Kris never wants to exchange presents, only wanting to exchange stockings, because she's not a huge gift person and doesn't enjoy buying gifts for folks. Which, you know, is kind of a big part of the Holiday Season. Me, I love buying folks gifts, so usually I get really into buying gifts for my kids. Unfortunately, now that they're teenagers, there's no longer a mountain of toys to get excited about under our Christmas Tree - now each kid opens, like, a dozen or so super-expensive, smaller-size gifts and then disappears back into their bedrooms for the remainder of the day.
Samson attempts to wake up Alayna, who slept in until almost noon. |
Yay, Christmas.
So yeah, waking up on Christmas Eve I wasn't as amped as I usually am. Granted, some of that had a lot to do with the previous night's shenanigans with the Inner Five (minus Morgan), but also the aforementioned loss of Holiday Spirit. Nevertheless, Christmas Eve was upon us, and we had a lot of hosting duties to see to.
Like we've done almost every year since moving back to Michigan,
I put the turkey in the oven around 10:30am, after Kris was done using it. |
Kris and I hosted the
Laginess branch of her family. Because she wanted to go to the
4pm Family Service at
First United Methodist Church (the half-hour service where it's mostly singing Christmas carols and nativity pageant stuff, etc. - no boring sermons or anything like that), Kris invited folks over later in the morning because we'd be kicking everyone out earlier than usual. This meant we still had girls showering for the day when folks began to arrive, but at least we had most of the food out by then.
So check it out, gang - here's another Christmas Eve at the Hough house. Enjoy. . .
The Inner Five families got their own section of our Christmas Card display this year. |
This year had the biggest turnout of folks to date: Marcy, Mickey and her husband, Dennis, along with Mickey's daughter, Crystal, and her fiance, Brandon, and with all three of Crystal's kids - Victoria, Scarlett, and Kyan - Scarlett's boyfriend (forget his name), and Victoria's son, Julian. |
The first round of food. Kris would eventually make a charcuterie board and some cheesy potatoes, and obviously the turkey (which would be cooking in the oven until 2-3pm-ish. |
After everyone had arrived, Marcy broke out all the Christmas Cookie supplies so that folks had to something to do while they ate and hung out. Kris offered to hang on to Julian so Victoria could get a break from parenting and actually visit with people. |
(He ate far more than he decorated.) |
Alayna finally gets out of the frickin' shower. . . |
I did my usual thing where I prepared food in the kitchen all day, and occasionally floated about shoving an SLR into folks' faces. . . |
We ran out of chairs, even with all the additional seating. |
These were like Christmas Trees. . . I guess? |
Scarlett and her boyfriend, Random Guy. |
The Cannonball and her go-to camera move these days. |
Still decorating. |
(Abby isn't following instructions, she's 'making a Starfish.') |
Abby, Marcy and Alayna |
Samson has to be picked up from time to time for hugs. He's a weird dog. |
Made up some mulled wine this year - about two bottles go into a crock pot, but it took forever to warm up. Next year I'll start it a couple hours in advance. |
Serving up more cheese and meats while folks continue to decorate cookies. |
Victoria, Julian, and decades-old Duplo blocks. |
Alayna and her 'Christmas Tree.' |
Scarlett and Random Guy's work. |
After decorating was all done, folks sat around and played some conspiracy theory card game Kris found at Marshall's one time - one of those laid-back party games you can break out to kill time with. |
I offered to keep an eye on Julian while they sat around and played this card game. I'm doing it right, correct? |
After their game, they requested the usual group pic, so Kris had me set up my camera in The Study. |
Some folks always ask for additional pics (since I have a nice camera), so here's Mickey and Dennis (and their dog that they brought along with them.) |
The twins, Mickey and Marcy. |
Kris' cousin, Crystal, with her fiance, Brandon. |
Kris and Marcy. |
Abby is a bizarre child. . . |
We were constantly shutting doors behind this kid so he didn't wander off. |
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Can't say I remember a lot of Christmas Eve's where the Detroit Lions were playing. Let alone winning. |
Dennis and I, watching the game. |
Ol' Crazy Eyes Kris. |
After three hours, I took off the aluminum foil in order to bronze the skin a bit, give it that nice golden finish. Let that for another 30-40 minutes before taking it out of the oven to sit for ten minutes. |
Like last year, I cooked the turkey upside down (this time on purpose), which allowed the juices to seep down into the breast meat more. This year's turkey might be my best ever, even better than last year's. |
Just straight-up crushing it in the kitchen this year. . . |
While I began the long, arduous process of carving the turkey, Kris had the girls give Marcy her Christmas present in the living room. . . |
A photo frame collage with all her grandkids. |
Mickey and Julian, abusing Abby's old Star Wars toys. . . |
I made to-go tupperwares of turkey for everyone, but still had a shit-load leftover - more than we can possibly finish off ourselves - separated into white and dark meats. |
Folks get ready to head out, as it gets closer to the time when we have to go leave for church. |
Once everyone left and we got to the church, I began doodling in the pews. I drew a pic of a dude playing guitar and when the girls asked me why I was drawing something like that, Kris responded sarcastically that he was clearly 'rocking out for Jesus.' 'Cause, you know, that's something people do. |
A short time later, we were back home. I forgot to get a proper pic of the girls' Christmas Trees earlier (I think.) |
Time for the annual opening of Christmas Eve presents (which Kris once again picked out.) |
Simple, fleece pajama pants this year - nothing fancy. |
Not sure what the hell's going on with Abby's face, here. . . |
Oh, and they got weird pajama shirts, too. |
With everyone decked out in new pajamas, it was time once again for the annual Hough Family Christmas Eve Portrait. Here's one of the many throw-away pics I took while getting the camera settings adjusted. |
The Houghs, 2023. |
Next up in our annual Christmas Eve tradition marathon was the opening of Marcy's presents for the girls. She got them each gift certificates to the Midland Cinemas, along with a ton of candy that they can sneak in whenever they decide to go. |
She also got them giant, refillable popcorn buckets - like you can take this thing to the theater and fill it for $4, which is an insane deal. |
Another installment in this year's Twelve Milkshake Stouts of Christmas. This one was meh. |
The Study - arguably the most festive room in the House. |
Kris' coworker, Kim, made everyone in their office one of these wooden, Christmas trees with their last names on it. Stands about 30" tall, pretty nice piece of Christmas decor. |
Samson is not amused. |
Houghs on phones. |
Kris bought her and Abby matching New York City pajama pants (you know, 'cause they went on that trip last Spring Break.) |
Kris enjoys herself a sangria out of some glass she got from. . . somewhere. |
Houghs. In full-blown couch mode. |
We returned to tradition and had Yours Truly read through the two-page poem, The Night Before Christmas (or whatever the hell it's called - it's long.) |
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The girls both retired to their rooms for the night around 8:30pm - we had them do so a half-hour earlier than usual because Kris and I were both exhausted from the previous twenty-four hours. It only took us, like, twenty minutes to set up the stockings and presents - putting bows on everything and arranging it under the tree. And, as always, we put on National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation in the background - my all-time favorite Christmas movie. |
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Years ago, this used to take us an hour to set up everything, but that was back when the girls had far more presents under the tree since everything they were getting for Christmas was cheaper (toys, crafts, games, etc.) |
We paused the movie at this part, right before Cousin Eddy arrives for the second half of the movie. Kris and I were falling asleep on the couch, so we shut everything down and turned in for the night. At 10:30pm. Because we're old. |
- Brian
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