Alayna gets an education in vinyl collecting (these are ones I'm dumping.) |
Hi, gang.
You all remember how I'm sort of obsessed with
records, right? I'm
sure I've mentioned that before. Anyway, lately Kris and I have been trying to de-clutter our house somewhat, and I figured it was high time to trim some of the fat in my massive collection. Kris is opposed to me buying additional shelving for my records, so any and all space I can find is valuable indeed. And if I ever want to buy new records - which is a given, considering it's a passion of mine - I need to make some serious room.
Some of my 'mood music' section. Lots of ethnic music, historical pieces, instrumentals, and spoken word. Not something you'd go out of your way to buy, but trust me - this section comes in handy, and works awesomely well as 'background music.' |
Rock. And. Roll. This is by far the biggest selection in my collection. |
More Rock (arranged in alphabetical, by artist), into Folk. |
This wasn't the first time I've purged my record collection, mind you: back in May of 2015, I got rid of an entire two boxes of records prior to moving back to Michigan - maybe 100 records or so. That was fairly easy, I owned more garbage than I realized (embarrassingly so.) Now, however, I was hoping to dump
four boxes worth - to get rid of albums that had pops and hisses (I had gotten rid of my scratched LPs years ago), albums that I never listened to, or only owned because I like the artist and not necessarily the album itself, etc.
Country, Western, Tijuana Jazz, and Country Gospel |
It sounds easier than it is, people. It's like parting with one's children.
This process took a week or two, but in the end I axed my three and a half boxes worth - probably 150-175 albums, total. It was painful, but it
had to be done: eventually, the space that I freed up in my shelves will be replaced with new albums purchased off Amazon, so there was incentive for such purging. I still had a lot of nonsense in my collection that was overlooked last year, so some of it went fairly easy.
Soundtracks, instrumentals, jazz, big band, etc. |
For example, I had a lot of
John Denver and
Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass. While John Denver has a
few decent songs, he's not one of my favorites. Do I
need his entire discography (because I
owned it, for some reason.) No, I do not. I'll keep his greatest hits, his Christmas album with
The Muppets (duh.) Do I
need eight, individual Herb Alpert albums when I have a 5-LP boxed set of all his best music, considering I rarely listen to him? No, I do not - they're all duplicates and filler.
This is what I'm talking about, America. Trimming the fat. Trimming the fat, and making room for new additions.
Clearing out space. Here's some classical and Christmas music. . . |
Some of this purge's casualties. . . |
Bye bye, dear John Denver. . . |
- Brian
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