Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lemonade from Lemons, Pt. IV

And now, the thrilling conclusion to this year's not-as-epic-as-last-year's venture at Eight Point Lake. . .

July 25th
"Nephew Wranglin'"

Monday morning saw the departure of Dad and Kris, who both had to work.  Yours Truly was to be charged, once again, with keeping children entertained with all things boat-related throughout the day.  Let's do this. . .
Blake had a friend of his up staying the night at the cottage, and they had hounded me about taking them out fishing in the morning.  I was actually up and around before they were, and by the time they got their gear around it was already 8 - 9am.
If you're a middle-school-aged fisherman, this is the best spot to fish on the lake.  Or so I'm told.
After an hour or so, we anchored in one of the inlets, close by the cottage.  I don't think either of them caught anything throughout the morning, though.  That's what they get for sleeping in so damn late.
Back at the Cottage, trying his luck off the dock.
Cindy served as my spotter while taking the boys out and about on the tube.  It's always fun throwing kids off into the lake.
After lunch, I loaded up all five kids (the nephews, Blake's friend, and my own Tax Deductions) and drove the boat over to Eight Point's sandbar.  Since it was during a weekday and everything, it was pretty dead (on the weekend, it's nothing but Pontoons piled up on top of each other - super annoying.)
Digging for treasure
I always worry some stupid high-schooler on a jet ski is going to fly across the sandbar and run over my kids' heads like speed bumps.  Pictures like this give me anxiety just looking at them.
(Abby wanted a picture of her taken in front of her 'cave.')
I had to tether the boat to a tree, even with the anchor out, due to some strong wind.  It would be just my luck to have the boat float off while we were out in the water.
Man down.
After dropping off the three boys, the girls and I headed over to the Waite's cottage for some lunch (and beers.)  By FAR, the most stressful part of boating this week is docking at this cottage: the wind coming in is ridiculous, and their dock is L-shaped, so you can't bring the boat in like you can at our own cottage.  Still, miraculously, I was able to pull it off without a hitch.
The Waites do have a pretty awesome 'beach,' though - the girls had fun playing in it while I had some beers with Al, Lucy and Larry.
A flotilla of pay-to-use boats at the Waite's.  The cottage's owner charges a ridiculous amount for people to use these boats, so they just sit tied to the dock throughout the week.  And rightfully so.
Castle Waite
Later on, after dinner back at the Cottage, the Waites hung out with us and I made a campfire.  Here, Abby perfects her 'under the smoke' marshmallow-roasting technique.
Evening cigars - you can always count on Al to bring up good ones from Grand Rapids. . .
Obligatory tiki torch picture.  You're welcome.

July 26th
"Lucy, Larry, and the DNC"

In the morning, Bradley insisted on helping me make breakfast (he gave up after making a huge-ass mess in the kitchen.)  Cindy had to work, so I was left as the sole adult until she - and Kris - returned to the Cottage around dinner-time.  That meant no tubing, due to the lack of spotter. . . which, honestly, I was more than okay with.
Brian swung up and picked up the boys later in the morning, and after they left I got the girls around for a morning over at the Waites' cottage.  Fortunately, the weather was once again perfect.
The boat loaded up with adventure gear, coolers, and just about anything else you could want for a morning on the lake.
The girls have definitely gotten the hang of this.
I'm going to miss this a lot come winter-time. . .
The Waites' cottage has a significantly more 'rustic' theme going on. . .
After lunch, we came back to our family's cottage for a change of scenery. . .
Alayna napped for nearly the entire afternoon - a morning filled with sun, swimming, kayaking, and fighting with her sister took a toll on her.
Larry took over grill duties for dinner, which I'm sure Cindy appreciated.
The evening's big event centered around the cottage TV, oddly enough: the Democratic National Convention.  I don't have a lot of pictures for this, obviously, since it was just a bunch of us sitting around a TV watching state after state throw their lot in around Hillary frickin' Clinton.  R.I.P.  The Bern
Gruncle Larry, gone fishin'
Bored watching politics, the girls 'played catch' with these thingies (whatever they're called.)
. . . needless to say, they sucked at it.
Cindy and Kris made it back around dinner time.  Reinforcements are always appreciated when it comes to wrangling children.
Trudging through some knock-knock jokes with Aunt Lucy
Out on an evening cruise - one, last sunset over Eight Point Lake
Not surprisingly, this was the best family picture we had taken of us the whole week up at the lake.
July 27th
"Swan Song"

Last sunrise over Eight Point Lake
Watson assumes his favorite position in the cottage.  He did so much better up here at the lake this year compared to last year:  we didn't have to tie him up on a run, like my folks had to do with Bailey, and he didn't bark nearly as much as he used to.  Cross your fingers he keeps this shit up.
Lazy morning, watching Netflix
Last pipe and book session on the Cagafuego
Another morning coloring session on Nana's iPad
No idea what they're so focused on, here.
Dance party on the raft.  Watson is not amused.
Kris, having fun on a boat.
Taking the girls out on a leisurely cruise about the lake.
Back to the Sandbar - once again void of pontoon boats (thank God.)
From deep within our hideout, peering out at a 'Mom Monster.'
These things are pretty fun, actually. . . but I'm pretty terrible at 'em.
Aunt Lucy swung over for a little bit while we were down there (just in time for Abby's limbo routine), as her cottage is literally 30 or 40 feet from the sandbar.  Pretty convenient.
Ol' Captain Whitebeard, setting course for the Cottage.
The Beast returned, raising hell with his swimmies. . .
No dogs allowed.
While Nana and the girls did some swimming, Kris and I took the nephews out for one, last tubing ride around the lake - the weather was starting to look dastardly. . .
Coming back into port, after beating the bejesus out of my nephews around the lake
Swimming with Nana
Drying off
Santa's Little Helper
In the afternoon, the Rain God looked pretty pissed, and so as the ominous clouds drew closer and closer to the lake - and seeing how we were already planning on leaving at some point in the day anyway - we packed up for our trek back to Midland, and Civilization.  We said farewell to our family and the Cottage, and ended our annual stint on Eight Point Lake.

- Fin - 

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