Seasons Greetings, Cyberspace!
Everyone in this house has their eyes set on Dec. 20th - that's the last day of school before Christmas Vacation for 80% of the household (sorry, Kris.) As we all run through gauntlet that is the last week of waking up early, dealing with kids (or teachers), or - in Watson's case - being stuck in a crate all day, here's a little snapshot of what's been going on around here lately.
Smurf it:
Suckin' in a Winter Wonderland. Detroit back to being Detroit. |
Abby shows affection by grabbing the closest living thing next to her in a headlock and squeezing the life out of it. |
The Lions can't play in snow?! They live in MICHIGAN! |
On my way out the door the other morning, I stopped into the girls' bedroom to say goodbye to Abby, and this is what I found. Someone decided to 'put her makeup on.' |
I can't turn around in my house without seeing this. |
Time for this year's batch of Christmas Cookies. . . |
If this dough looks all jacked up, it's because we used wheat flour (having cut enriched flour from our diets, like a bunch of frickin' hipsters. . .) |
Nothing hotter than a woman baking in the kitchen. . . |
Abby strikes a pose with her umbrella. . . |
. . . no idea why these are open inside the house, though. Apparently these chicks aren't superstitious. |
Alayna sits down for a Q & A session with some of her stuffed animals while waiting for the cookies to bake. . . |
Guess how often dads get to take a nap around here? Did you guess 'never'? 'Cause that was the right answer, if you did. |
'Decorate one, eat one' seems to be the unofficial rule around here. |
The apparent goal for my daughters while decorating Christmas cookies was to squeeze as many chocolate chips onto one, solitary cookie as possible. They both got pretty good at it. |
Yes, it's what it looks like. |
Nothing says 'Christmas' like Smurf Blue. |
In you face, Fox News! |
. . . next year I think we'll make sure we have all the right colors of frosting before we start making cookies. Oh yeah, and sprinkles. |
Watson claims his first victim from the Hough Family Stuffed Animal Trove. . . |
One of my favorite beers - Founders Breakfast Stout - now available at Knightly Spirits (my favorite beer store, conveniently located right around the corner from my house. . .) |
You didn't see this. . . |
A raccoon was cornered up in a palm tree at my school the other day. As if our middle schoolers weren't already distracted enough as it is with Christmas vacation coming up and everything. Throwing a rabid animal on campus was the last thing any of us needed. . . |
The Merry Irishman - got this recipe from my brother, Chris. Not too bad, if you follow the directions of the recipe, but I ended up cutting the amount of peppermint schnapps and upping the whiskey (I'd rather taste Tullamore Dew than candy cane, personally.) |
Watson assumes his usual position while riding in the car. . . |
Another evening spent battling kids to finish their dinner at the kitchen table. Thug life. |
Working on homework (Alayna's had quite a bit of this year so far in Kindergarten, but fortunately most of it is really easy for her, since she's somewhat ahead of the rest of her class. . .) |
Non-Christmas Holiday Stress - had to replace my oil pan after noticing a bad oil spot on our driveway. $300 later, I have a fancy new (well, technically used) oil pan. Surprisingly enough, this was not on my Christmas List this year. |
Grandma sent a festive toilet seat cover for the girls (at least I assumed it was for the girls - it may have been for me.) |
Hanging out in my Study, about to battle it out in yet another game of Candyland. . . |
We've been piling all the Christmas presents in this room, as the girls are seldom in it. All the gifts from 'Santa' - as well as some of the bigger, more-obvious ones - are hidden away in the closet, though the girls are pretty good about not snooping around them. This may be the last year we can stockpile them in plain, open sight, though. . . |
This is Abby's absolute favorite thing to do. Consequently, I play this games about 4 - 5 times a day. 99% of the time, Abby wins. |
BING!!! |
- Brian
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