Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Circlin' the X-Mas Wagons

Merry Christmas Eve, America.

We're now in the final stretch of the Most Wonderful Time of the Year and everything, and throughout the day we circled the wagons and prepared the household - and ourselves - for the all-out chaos that tomorrow morning will surely bring.

Okay, so technically this was yesterday.  Since Alayna's out of school this week she's been going to Sunchild's Clubhouse (for K - 5 kids, usually an after-school thing but it becomes a full-day class when kids are out of their regular school), and yesterday they took a field trip to Gaylord Palms for their annual ICE event. . .
The Clubhouse.
Alayna and some random kid from Clubhouse.  I actually know very little about this field trip, or these kids, and now that I'm writing these captions I'm kinda wishing Kris was doing it instead. . .
I guess they just walk around giant ice sculptures. . .?
(Alayna's in the front row, center)
She liked it, but said it was 'cold.' 
Looking totally thrilled. . .
More ice.
An amputee ice angel.
Christmas Eve morning.  You can't have a real Christmas without digging out old Jim Henson gems for Yuletide viewing. . .
We decided that since we were stuck in Orlando again for Christmas, we'd at least indulge in a mighty Christmas feast.  And you can't have yourself one of those without a Butterball turkey. . .
I attempted making a whipped cream pudding pie, but apparently soy milk doesn't hold pudding mix together quite like regular milk.  It never solidified, so we just threw the whole thing into the freezer.  Lesson learned.
Ol' Gobbly, properly seasoned and primed for incineration. . .
Three hours later.  Behold gratuitous turkey pictures. . .
Not sure if I told you folks about this or not, but Kris and I ended up taking the girls to see the newest Disney movie, Frozen.  Long story short, both kids became immediately obsessed with it, so I got them the movie soundtrack and have been showing them music videos (see above) of the songs via YouTube to tide them over until the movie comes out on Blu-Ray. . .
Feasting on Ol' Gobbly (Alayna was pouting over who knows what)
As it got later on in the evening, I decided to walk around and take snapshots of our house set up for Christmas, as I haven't done that yet (I'm slacking this year.)
We've been wrapping and storing the presents in the Study, as we usually keep it shut from the girls (since there's so much breakable crap in my room, as well as hanging swords they could impale themselves upon.)
Candyland.  Again.
We decided to buy Watson a larger crate for during the day while we're away at work, as the littler one he sleeps in at night is too constricting for long periods of time.

Opening the traditional, lone Christmas Eve presents. . .
Hello Kitty robes.  Which I guess are 'pretty cool' if you're a pre-pubescent girl.
"Hey girls, look here and pose with your new robes."
This is why we don't have more cute pictures of our kids.
This is about as close as you're going to get to an official 2013 Hough Family Christmas Card.  Enjoy.
More Frozen.
Both girls are obsessed with the snow queen Elsa.  Consequently, we're force to listen to her main song, Let It Go, a couple dozen times a day.
Kris got lazy this year and decided to buy Santa cookies.  Something tells me Santa's gonna be pissed.
The girls decided to give Santa the last of the horribly decorated Christmas cookies this year, too.  As well as good ol' fashioned SOY MILK. . . 'cause, you know, Santa's watching the amount of hormones he's putting into his body.
The apple was for Rudolph, and the four carrots are for the other eight reindeer to fight over.  That's how our kids roll.
Showing off their handwritten letters to Santa. . .
Alayna's letter, written phonetically and featuring her standard 'heart man' off to the right.
. . . I have no idea.  I think Abby was writing her name in the bottom right corner?
Another timeless holiday cliché - the reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. . . which the kids were less than interested in this year, as it didn't feature a single ballerina, pony, princess, fairy, or cupcake.
Watson seemed to enjoy it, though. 
Every year after the kids go to bed, before we drag all the presents out, it's time for the greatest holiday movie of them all - National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  And some holiday cocktails, of course.

Merry Christmas, people - more to come tomorrow. . .

- Brian

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