Christmas Morning |
Holy H. Christ. A lot of build-up sure goes into a few hours of frantic gift-opening, but this year we managed to pull the whole fiasco off without a hitch.
I'm too exhausted to write a ton, so here's a ridiculous amount of pictures to skim over instead.
Enjoy. . .
The holly, jolly Skype command center (we always plug it into the TV for the Christmases with grandparents) |
We were both too full to eat cookies at midnight, so we just crumpled the shit to pieces and threw most of it in the garbage. . . er, I mean - SANTA ate it. |
After stockings, the kids start tearing into presents. . . |
This year we gave the girls $5 each to spend on the other parent, so this is what the two of them picked out for me. It was so awesome it required two bows on the outside in order to contain its badass-ishness. |
Abby got Kris a bucket. She then proceeded to tell Kris she had gotten her a bucket for Christmas for the next couple of weeks, thereby destroying all hope of a 'surprise.' We have to work on Abby's understanding of the word 'secret.' |
I don't think fireplaces exist in Florida, so we make due with a fancy-pants DVD instead. |
What Alayna wanted most this year, and what she kept telling the various Santas she'd come into contact with throughout the season, was a Bow and Arrow. We priced several, and read a lot of reviews onilne, and ultimately went with this one - the Nerf Rebelle Bow (which Mom and John ended up picking up for her.) Definitely a big hit. |
Trying it out in the patio sun room (they got Abby one too, as, you know, they're at that age where if one kid gets something the other doesn't, all-out Hell breaks loose. . .) |
I spent the majority of the day trying to figure out and personalize my Christmas present from Kris - a Samsung Galaxy S3. I'm arguably too retarded to operate one of these things. |
Kickin' ass down the hallway. . . |
I bought the girls a few Wii games this year as stocking stuffers in an attempt to get them into videogames. . . 'cause if I have to continue playing Candyland a dozen times a day I'm going to eventually snap and kill someone. |
More stocking stuffers. This will last Kris into 2028, knowing how she drinks. . . |
Watson attempts to seize his usual morning nap. Nice try, chump. |
Chowing down on Santa's leftovers. Screw it, it's Christmas. |
Pure bliss as the Cannonball receives an Elsa doll (again, from Frozen). Note Yours Truly still trying to figure out his phone in the background. I'd be in this pose for the next 72 hours. |
Abby's pretty content with Elsa's little sister, Anna. Thank God. . . |
Skyping with Papa and Nana, later on in the day. We decided to space out extended family Christmases this year, after last year's forced marathon of present-opening, which ultimately proved too much for the kids to absorb (and appreciate.) |
Christmas morning mamosas. A Hough family staple. |
Some Razor scooters from Papa and Nana (pink and girly, of course) that they can terrorize the subdivision with. . . |
That crazy belt/pouch/caribiner combination Alayna's wearing is a dart/accessory get-up that goes along with her Rebelle Bow. We're suckers for accessories around here. |
Taking a break from Christmas gift-opening to do some reading flash cards. 'Cause that's how teachers roll, folks. |
A beautician/hairdresser/stylist (whatever the hell they're called) outfit. |
Mommy, gettin' her hair did. |
Animal hospital time. . . |
I picked up a few sets of finger lights to add to the kids' stockings this year, if only to play around with my camera's low-lighting settings. Check it out. . . |
We had to do this in the girls' bathroom, the darkest room in the house. |
I'm tired. I'm going to bed.
- Brian
1 comment:
HI it's Abby from the future in 2020 good job
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