Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Warm-Up and March Randoms

Hi gang,

So here's some pictures of around the house as the Houghs begin to get ready for Easter.

(Get ready for crap-loads of kid pictures). . .

I helped her with the word 'different' and 'going,' otherwise Alayna wrote that herself (bizarro cat-and-telescope  picture courtesy of Yours Truly).
Little did the Fisher Price Loving Family know that, at that moment, German SS gunmen were sneaking around the ledge of their manor. . .
Alayna has shown interest in playing the Sega Genesis lately.  I picked it up at a garage sale a couple years ago with a crap ton of games and accessories (for $10, thank you), and the previous owner must've had little girls 'cause there's a lot of kid-friendly (and girly) games Alayna enjoys 'playing' (she hasn't quite mastered it yet). 
This Barbie game is horrifying.
Kris and a couple of her homegirls, on their way out to see that Wicked play chicks seem so obsessed with.
Fever time.  Once again.
Easter Care Packages from the Grandparents. . .
Easter Glasses (which - THANK GOD -  have lids)
Chalk time on the driveway (you'll notice I removed the stones lining the driveway - I got sick of hitting them with my tires.  Hopefully soon the edges will fill in with grass soon. . .)
Abby always looks like a hobo.
An Easter Basket, an asterisk, and a chick - my kid has Easter Art down to a science.
Easter crafts at Peace United Methodist Church
Kris should really be the one writing captions here, as I wasn't here for this.  So I'm just going to title this one 'Kids with Empty Plastic Bowl.'
Thankfully, there were no crucifixions scheduled for the day.  That would've made Easter Egg hunting somewhat awkward. . .
Hunting down Easter Eggs. . .
What kid doesn't like a good chain-link fence?  Right?
Abby's a big fan of collecting sugar.
More plunder.
Signing the Cross (something I'm pretty sure was not done by the Romans - just going out on a limb, here.)
We don't really know what the hell this thing's growing, but we're guessing it might be peaches. . .
Keeping Abby from climbing the tree is a pain in the ass.
Flower Power.
Hanging out, playing in the dirt.  A Hough household staple.
Preparing to decorate Easter Eggs with Mommy. . .
Snack break on the patio. . .
- Brian

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