Sunday, March 31, 2013

Chocolate Bunnies, Jet Lag, and Two Hyper Preschoolers

I can't begin to tell you all how awesome it was to wake up bright and early and deal with colored basket 'grass,' candy-filled plastic eggs, and chocolate rabbits.  That's exactly how I wanted to spend the morning after a grueling 19 hours on international flights half-way around the world.

But that's what dads do, I guess.  I'm exhausted, the kids are bouncing off the walls after ingesting a year's worth of sugary garbage, and I have to go back to work tomorrow.

Here's Easter morning 2013.  Enjoy.

Kris spearheaded the Easter baskets this year, which was good because we had a two-hour window after the kids went to bed, and I was dead on my feet and still trying to unpack my luggage. . .
Fortunately our kids are still young, so we don't have to go as nuts (like we're going to have to do in a few years. . .)
The kids wanted to leave carrots out for the Easter Bunny. . . which was weird, but whatever.  I guess they just wanted to bribe him to stay out of their bedrooms - they really didn't want that guy coming in their room while they were asleep.
The next morning, inspecting the carrot-less plate (they mysteriously found their way back in the 'fridge).
Hunting down Easter eggs around the house.
Divvying up plunder.
Abby was a big fan of this. . .
Jelly bean spill.
Easter basket treasure hunt. . .
Getting the next clue
The last clue. . .
To Daddy's bar!
Baskets found.
Cookies n' Cream Easter bunnies.  They didn't make that in the '80s.
This was actually pretty good.
This kid LOVES jelly beans.
New dresses - the kids' favorite Easter basket staple.
- Brian

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