Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Too Yule fo' Skule (Y'all)

Behold - the classiest reindeer decoration of all time.
Hi there.

I don't know about you, but I'm a little creeped out that we've been preparing for the Holidays since Halloween.

Call me crazy.

Not that I'm a huge fan of Thanksgiving by any means - far from it, actually - but I still feel like it got screwed somewhere in the whole holiday equation.  I mean, more or less, it got itself nice and stuck in the middle of Shopping Season. . . which I suppose it's its own damn fault.

Stupid Thanksgiving. . .

Anyway, we Houghs have been prepping for the Holiday of Holidays like any other American family - buying way too much crap for our loved ones, decorating our house like the Griswolds, juggling tons of holiday activities our kids are taking part in, and otherwise running around like a bunch of chickens - er, Christmas Elves - with their heads lopped off.

'Tis the season.

Anyway, here's a little of what we've been up to lately.  Enjoy.

Wasting money at Target.  Again.
Wanna look awesome?  Go shopping with little kids.
Tempting. . .
First 'Nog of the season. . .

Alayna's first letter to Santa. . .
At choir practice, watching the older kids. . .
Was looking for 'Christmas Rhapsodies for Middle-Aged Lovers,' but couldn't find it. . . 
. . .I own way too many Christmas records anyway (right of receiver) - don't think I'll be able to burn through all of them by the end of the holiday season.
Typical Abby face. . . probably pissed off Alayna's 'talking to her.'
We took a TON of shots like this one of the girls in front of the tree to use for our Christmas Cards this year. . . but the lighting sucks.  Would've been much better in the evening, so the tree lights are more prominent.  Damn, do I miss my SLR. . .
Putting on game faces for Alayna's caroling session at the old folks home. . .
(I took video of this instead of pictures, and due to google's stupid size limits, I'm unable to upload HD videos to this site anymore. . . so you'll have to pretend that Alayna's not-really-singing.)
Spreadin' the Yule.
Watching the older kids' choir group.
Exploring Old People Manor. . .
Staples?  No.  The makings of a totally bitchin' scar?  Hell yes.
We've been storing all the Christmas presents this year in the Study. . .
Definitely takes up a lot of room, but hell. . . it's festive.
Letting the kids burn off steam before bed, following a leisurely stroll around Ginger Mill, checking out Christmas Lights (people in our neighborhood go bat-shit CRAZY for Christmas around here. . . I love it).
The Witch.
Alayna attempts to make a 'peace' sign. . .
All she needs to do now is stop bathing and start dropping acid and she'll be all set.
Christmas with the Voigts. . .
The girls got some new princess fleece blankets (among other things) from the Voigts.   Definitely a huge hit.
Abby contemplates all the random crap she can steal from her parents and hide away in her Tinkerbell bag. . .
Tearing into gifts. . .
. . . who knows.
As you'll recall, Kris is a Grand Master in the League of Extraordinary Moms.   One of the other Grand Masters annually hosts a shin-dig at her mansion house, and hires a professional Santa to swing by for story-reading and photo-ops. . .
Evidently Santa hasn't bought a new car since his bootleggin' days. . .
 Alayna was absolutely fearless this year.  She ran right up and put a death grip on Santa's hand, refusing to let it go.
Santa fights his way through the crowds.  I believe this is Cold Sore Santa from Primrose a few years back. . .
Story Time
Abby was cool with Santa, so long as she had a dozen warm bodies standing between him and her. . .
When it came time for pictures with Santa, Abby couldn't even be coaxed with sugar. . . which is pretty astounding.
A cute picture of Santa and the Cannonball. . . until you check out the kid in the background.
Yet another failed picture with Santa Claus (thanks, Abby).
The girls wanted a Santa hat photo op.  Who was I to argue with that. . .
Santa hats are a big hit in this house. . .
Alayna's Christmas Concert Dress

Waiting for the concert to start.
The Little Rocks
Beltin' out the jams.
Alayna's  on-again, off-again beau, Derrick, came out to watch Alayna sing. . . and then, like all the rest of us, got stuck up in the front for the older kids choir's concert.  Felt bad for the kid.
Having a BLAST.
Losing interest fast. . .
Alayna says 'screw it' and starts practicing her letters.
- Brian

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