Hi fun-lovers,
We had ourselves some vegetable-centric fun today. Yes sir. I don't feel like writing a witty intro to this, so let's skip to the pics, folks. Check it out:
The offspring play around in the backyard before heading off to scrounge up some pumpkins. |
Some panoramic shots of the homestead. . . |
. . .a 'Majorama Panorama,' if you will. |
And here's the jungle that is our backyard. This will be destroyed soon. |
Celebration, which is creepy enough as it is, always goes balls-to-the-wall for Halloween. This festive spirit always attracts idiots, such as the Houghs, and tricks them into paying three times the price for holiday novelties such as pumpkins. |
Like I've mentioned before, this church in Celebration hosts an impressive pumpkin patch. This is the third year in a row we've hit this place up. |
This year, however, the set-up was dramatically different, and the walking space was far more constricted. |
All aboard the lame train. . . |
As always, the folks at the 'Patch go all out with the whole decorating thing (i.e. stuffed birds), but this year they were being Nazis with it. . . |
For example, they routinely hollered at little kids whenever they sat on a pumpkin. From a physics standpoint, I honestly don't believe my 20-pound daughter is going to put a dent into a 50-pound vegetable. . . but, then again, I always got D's in science. |
Abby picks her pumpkin. |
This was the best take out of a dozen. Seriously. |
The Cannonball nabs her pumpkin. |
Abby as a. . . scarecrow? Maybe? Or a hobo. Either way. |
More pumpkins. |
Over. Priced. |
Nothing screams 'church' more than a pagan holiday. . . |
This cat is apparently a Wiccan. |
Our girls. |
The Houghs. |
Papa's haul. |
This is the side of someone's house. I'm hoping this is only a temporary set-up for Halloween. If they keep this up year-round, they would exceed mankind's awesome quota. |
After Celebration's fascist, over-priced pumpkin venture, we decided to swing past Kris' church (Peace United Methodist) for a second go-round of pumpkin questing. |
Abby and I stumbled across the ugliest pumpkin in Central Florida.
Lifting weights.
We almost bought ugly pumpkin, but eventually opted not to. It would've been a bitch to gut out. |
Alayna is either Jazzercising or doing Kung Fu. I'm not sure she knows how to do either, but you never know. |
The girls with Papa and Nana. (this was the best take out of, oh. . . twenty) |
Bein' weird. |
The copycat. |
The Cannonball is not impressed. |
The haul. |
Abby performs a lobotomy. |
Gettin' in them guts. . . |
She was captivated by this process, but is such a priss that she refused to get her hands dirty. |
Carving Kris' pumpkin. . . |
Papa prepares to bust out the traditional Joe Hough Design. . . |
Nana's Pumpkin Tutorial |
This is the shittiest part of the whole pumpkin carving process. I wish these stupid things came already gutted. |
Marital bliss. |
Abby was fun-ed out with pumpkins after about five minutes. Which is normal for her. |
Watching the master at work. . . |
Finished products. |
BAM! |
- Brian