Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas, Hough Style

Happy Holidays Everybody!

So Kris and I were both pretty bummed about not getting a White Christmas - I can remember such a travesty occurring only once or twice before in my entire lifetime, and both of those times I was already living in Michigan and had plenty of opportunities to gaze out at snow throughout the rest of Michigan's six-month long winter.  Now that we're stuck down in Florida, and only get to see snow once a year for a week or two, we kind of look forward to it.

Thanks a lot, Global Warming.

Anyway, our Christmas was pretty awesome this year.  I'd go into further detail, and give all of you the whole play-by-play, but that'd take a long, long time.  It's a lot easier to just redirect you to this website, where my Dad has uploaded a slideshow highlighting Hough Christmas '11.

Enjoy your Yulin', everybody.

- Brian

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