Monday, December 12, 2011

Holiday Season Updates Galore

What's yulin', y'all.

I had a pile of random pics and videos that were taken over the last two weeks of the holiday season.  Crap from our annual Christmas with the Voigts (and Clint!), normal everyday antics from around the house, etc. 

We're currently hilt-deep in the process of packing for our upcoming Christmas Vacation in Michigan.  We fly out Thursday morning, and plan on spending the first two days in the metro Detroit area before heading up north to the mid (where Kris and the girls will be staying with her mom in Lake George, and I'll be heading to Dad and Cindy's in Clare).  We'll touch back on that affair later, though.

In the meantime, as we prepare for the main gauntlet of all things yuleish, behold some more random pics and videos of the Houghs.

- Brian

Kris and Alayna at Disney's Magic Kingdom.  Lindsey was able to get the two of them in after the park closed to the general public for Mickey's Christmas Party. . .
On the carousel in Fantasyland
Alayna will ride a carousel for hours if you let her.
On the Mad Hatter's Tea Cups ride (or whatever the hell it's called)
One jar of peanut butter, two spoons.  Dinner, Dad-sytle.
More fan art from the classroom. . .
I think they captured my muscles pretty good in this one. . .
One of the bulletin boards at our church.  Enjoy the gratuitous ass shot, ladies.
Screwin' around on the backyard play set. . .
This year, list last year, we decided to have Christmas with the Voigts at our place (it's a hell of a lot easier to manage the girls in their own surrounding.  Not a lot of pictures (kinda slipped my mind), but here's some videos:

(Cannonball-directed photo session. . .)

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