Monday, February 7, 2011

Superbowl XLV, feat. the Grandparents

Every few months, as you guys already know, we're fortunate enough to have one of our parental sets fly down here to visit.

There used to be some sort of half hearted, contrived attempt at assuring Kris and I that they were visiting us as well as their grandkids... but more or less everybody's now moved beyond this farce. Before Kris popped out the Cannonball, we saw our folks maybe once a year. Maybe. Now, we're importing grandparents every two months.

That's the way it works.

Anyway, this time around, my mom and John came down for a four day weekend. A shorter visit than the one they're planning in June, but enough for them to get their granddaughter fix for the time being.

We had no real plans for the weekend apart from watching the Superbowl on Sunday, as John's a football enthusiast. In the past, with Kris and I, the Superbowl is usually the sort of thing that is played in the background as we're doing something else, as neither one of us is big into sports unless a home team is involved.

Last time I checked, the Lions weren't in this year's Superbowl.

Football aside, we managed to go out to Downtown Disney for an afternoon and allow the parentals to enjoy the harsh Floridian winter (Michigan, as I'm told, is somewhat colder than Florida, so they seemed fine with our weather). This was me and Kris' first time hitting up the ol' stomping ground in a long time, and it turns out the whole joint is getting a face-lift. That whole Pleasure Island section in the middle is being retooled into something more family-oriented.

I guess Disney figured cute, animated animals and drunk chicks doing tequila shots out of one another's belly buttons didn't necessarily 'mesh' well. Who knew.

Anyway, it was a nice visit - shorter than we'd like, but we'll take whatever we can get. Enjoy the pictures, folks...

- Brian

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