Hey players.
Very rarely do I go out of my way to make a big deal about a video game. I don't have the time. I operate a household wherein half the residents can't utilize a toilet.
(For the record, I can.)
Nay, once that second kid flew out of my spouse, video games have sat on the back burner... idly biding their time for a milisecond of free time that may, per chance, spring up suddenly into my daily schedule. Not that I was ever the one that would devote hours on end to something like videogames, mind you - generally I could get away with playing for a couple hours on the weekend, if I was lucky.

Generally, I wasn't.
Lately, though, I've really started to miss videogames. Zoning out in front of the TV with a beer after work is, honestly, not too shabby at all... but it has to wait 'til 8:30/9pm-ish, once both tax deductions are fast asleep. Otherwise, I get stuck knocking back a cold one to Blue's Clues, Yo Gabba Gabba, or Bear in the Big Blue House.
That's not nearly as cool as it may sound.

Most recently, I've decided to do some serious soul-searching and rediscover my gaming roots. I've found that with online emulators - applications that allow you to play old-school video games on one's computer - I can now revisit my glorious past.
And when 'glorious past' is to be visited, only one word comes to mind: Pirates!

Yes, folks - Pirates! The single greatest game ever to grace the powerbox that was the Apple II GS.

I received this as a present when I was but a mere lad of eight or so, and ever since I've been obsessed with all things pirates (seriously - you should check out my Man-Room). This was the game that launched it all, and truly defined my outlook on life. A Sid Meier classic, an open-ended adventure that gave you the freedom to scour the Caribbean and carve out your own place in piratical history. Perfection ca. 1987.
I logged hours away in front of my dad's II GS (probably much to his dismay), and not a second of it was a waste.

I could go on and on and review the bejesus out of this epic masterpiece, but I figure if you're truly interested in learning more about this game, you can try it out for yourself here.

(you're welcome.)
Capt. Brian J. Hough
Pirate Adventurer
Pirate Adventurer
1 comment:
Have you ever played the Monkey Island series of computer games. They are truly excellent, great character, story lines, and over the top piratey hilariousness!!!
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