Hi gang.
1. We set out from Clare in the morning with way more shit than we had traveled north with.
2. Ohio did not want us to leave, and threw numerous traffic jams to keep us in its crappiness.
3. The Houghs manage to reach a Super 8 Motel in Tennessee in the evening and endure a horrible night with the kids (we failed to pick up milk for Alayna, and therefore had to suffer through a handful of 2 - 4am toddler tantrums...)

4. At a Chic' Fil-A (however the hell you spell that) in northern Georgia, Abby projectile-vomited all over herself, the car seat, several restaurant chairs, the floor and yours truly. On the plus side, the food was pretty good.
5. Finding Nemo was viewed back-to-back a half-dozen times, at the very least.

7. We arrived back home at 10:30pm. Our house was still standing, nothing was damaged or stolen, and moles had completely turned our front lawn into Verdun.

Anyway, after a night or two of relaxing, we had ourselves a very, very lame New Year's Eve countdown (Kris and I stayed up watching a movie, then switched over to ABC for the Dick Clark Mega-Stroke Rockin' New Year's Eve for the last ten minutes of 2010).
By the way, I don't know who said substituting weird eye make-up and an obnoxious wardrobe for genuine, musical talent was perfectly acceptable, but that Ke$ha chick needs to be pushed out to see and left to die. My God, she's horrendous...
In better news, we managed to obtain a brief - but radical - three-hour engagement with Lt. and Mrs. Foltz recently.
Yes, they're still alive. In Rwanda.
They were in town for the big MSU game (which didn't turn out so hot for them, unfortunately), having taken some time off from their current adventures in Africa. The Houghs don't generally get to associate with fellow Peace Corps Volunteers (traveling with kids = : ( ) so the opportunity to do so is always welcome. This time around, we got to hang out with kids instead of Gulders, so it wasn't quite as cool, but we had a good time nonetheless.
To sum up our visit: they lead waaay more interesting lives than we do.

Oh well... at least there wasn't any bloodshed to be had. So we had that going for us.

If only they had that in my classroom...
So, things are slowly turning back to normal around here. The girls are adjusting to their old schedules, and me and the ol' ball n' chain are readjusting to waking up early and having to wrangle our kids without grandparent assistance.

Ohio Sucks,
- Brian
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