So, back in November, I lost my job. I decided to wait until now to disclose this information, because I really didn't need anyone taking pity on me. The truth is they did me a favor. No details are really necessary, I'm pretty sure they just needed to make some cuts considering I wasn't the only one let go that day and they had recently been slashing at everyone's hours. Their loss. The only thing I regret is that my children equally were tossed out and are now missing out the socialization I believe is crucial, even at a young age. Alayna especially loved going to school and thrived on learning during circle times and playing with her friends. Regardless, being home with them has been the best job ever and I think a great chance for them to bond with one another. Hence, they did me a favor.

Thus far, I find myself much less stressed and more motivated to take care of my own things. To think we actually live in a clean house now. Imagine that. I've been working hard at getting the girls out to the library's weekly toddler time and story time. We've met up with her old friends for play dates.

Not to mention attending church more frequently. Alayna's need for socialization seems to be good for my soul. I still try to give her some daily "school-type" lessons. We go over letters and numbers and she's doing well. And we try to keep up on the art projects. But, it still doesn't satisfy me.

Now that the holidays are over, we've decided to put Alayna back into school part time. It's really all we can afford and I think full time is a bit much with me being home. Not to mention, it would be incredibly boring for Abby to be home alone that much. So, for 2 days a week, 4 hours at time, Alayna now goes to Star Child Academy (Primrose's enemy). Yes, this is the place that, as of late, has taken all our old stomping ground's enrollment. I love it!
As I knew she would, Alayna took to it like she'd been going there her whole life. She's such a social butterfly. And I can even watch her online, as well as, allow the grandparents onto the school's system. Quite the perk!
So, there you have it. A great start to a new year. A new job for me, a new school for Alayna, and Abby is growing and moving like crazy.

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