I shouldn't have to tell any of you that the economy these last couple of years has been nothing short of horrifying.
Yet, unless you're in the educational profession personally, you probably have no inclination as to how truly volatile the employment situation is for teachers and educational professionals today. Its a nightmare.

When I started out three years ago, things weren't so bad. But by the end of my first year, the axe came down and quite a few people had to be let go. Being a Temporarily Certified Teacher, I was at the bottom of the totem pole, and therefore the most at risk for being terminated. Yet, somehow, I survived the lay-offs and was invited back for a second year.
The situation (and the economy) only got worse the following year, when even more teachers and staff at our school were let go. I was so horrified of the prospect of losing my coveted salary job that I began looking into Plan Bs (none of which sounded fun in the slightest). Then, once again, I was invited back again for a third year. Huzzah for me - a lot weren't so lucky.

Down here in Florida, you have to teach for three years on annual contracts before you can become Professionally Certified. When you receive your Professional Certificate, you are pseudo-tenured, and are guaranteed a job within the district for five years. That's when you get your grown-up pants and can stop breaking into fearful anxiety attacks at work.

Well, after three years of surviving the guillotine, yours truly finally received his long-awaited Professional Certificate, and now have some degree of long-term job security. What happens after five years, who knows... but for right now, this guy's celebrating.
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