Preggosaurus was sidelined yesterday by a severe bout of the preggo cramps, forcing yours truly to not only tackle the usual 10-page grad school paper, but also clean up the house and bathe a toddler (and all before the 9 p.m. slot for Modern Family, no less). You see, Kris had a doc's appointment with 'Dr. Skinny Fingers,' as I like to call him, and it turns out that she dilated an extra inch over the course of the last few days.
*cue the ominous, foreboding music*
Well, this put the Hough household into scramble mode, and, upon taking stock of where we currently are in terms of preparation, we've come to the realization that we are, in fact, rather behind where we should be.

Kris somehow misplaced all of our premature size clothes - don't ask me how - as well as the little mitten-things that you put over babies' hands so they don't gum their fingers off (or whatever those are for, I don't know). She also hasn't packed her hospital bag yet, which bugs the bejesus out of me, but in order to keep my scalp I avoid pestering a pregnant woman too much about any one issue at this point in the scheme of things.

Our scheduled 'D-Day' was May 28th. There's no way in the fiery pits of Hades we are making it another two weeks. It ain't happenin'. Regardless, we'd like to have somewhat of a head's up this time around so that we can adequately see the Cannonball passed off for the night (the Voigts are once again stepping in and taking a bullet for us, there). As such, we've scheduled an Inducing with Dr. Skinny Fingers for May 21st.
Even with the earlier date, though, this guy doesn't think we're going to make it.
Kris went home from work early today because she couldn't stand the pain any longer, and has been couch-ridden all afternoon. The Voigts are picking up Alayna from Primrose and bringing her back to the house for us (I won't be home until 7:30pn or so, due to a Student/Parent Open House-thingy at my school).
Call me crazy, but I got a bad, bad feeling this kid is coming soon. Cross your fingers, folks...
- Brian
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