Well Grandma Renee came down for a five day visit on Friday - more or less to see the grandbaby, but we'd like to assume that she didn't mind visiting with us as well. Seeing how I'm the firstborn and all.

Having your mom visit is awesome, 'cause there's always food around and the house and everything's clean. But we didn't import a grandma to run about our place like a house slave, so we figured we'd do the tourist thing one of the days she was here. On Sunday we hit up Disney's Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom, which is always a fun time... though moving through the park with a pregnant woman and a toddler isn't always a 'smooth-sailing' sort of affair. Kris and I took turns going on different rides with Mom, seeing how we didn't want to risk the Cannonball having a total freak-out on a ride we couldn't immediately take her off of.
Myself, Adam and Mom, for example, spent approximately
45 minutes on the African Safari, due to ostriches and poachers continuously blocking our truck's path through the wild.

Yet, although the trek proved tiresome after awhile, we
still managed to stop the poachers from kidnapping Little Red. And that's what's important.
Plus, we
did get to see giraffes poop. Which is of course always cool.
Anyway, here's some pictures. Enjoy.
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