(just so you guys know, its not fun. at all.)
i really don't want to delve too far into it all, as i've already flogged that dead horse to pieces already. i just wanted everybody to realize that if i seemingly drop off the face of the earth for the next year and a half, you'll know the reason. the hermitishness i'll surely have to resort to farther on into my program hasn't set in yet - thus far i've been able to balance school (work) with work (school) without sacrificing too much social time. we'll see how all that crap pans out later on, though.
speaking of crap, i think it sucks we have to settle for a measely two conan movies. its ridiculous. all those movies about fast and furious cars, all those movies about hip-hop kids and dancing, all those movies with will ferrell playing some washed-up professional athelete... and we can only squeeze out two conan movies?

i'm not counting red sonja as a conan movie either, folks. jesus, if conan's in a movie, its pretty stupid pretending he's not the main character. you may try shoving him out of the center spotlight, but its just not going to work.
the guy's bigger than Crom. he will crush his enemies and see them driven before him.
...i should really get back to writing my research paper.
- brian
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