Monday, January 19, 2009

Justification for Carpetbagging

hi gang.

for those of you folks out there who thought kris and i leaving our old apartment in clare and moving all the way down to florida was pretty crappy, please observe the following pics (thanks granny):


that's our old aparment there on the second floor. the one all charred out and black. now, had we not moved to florida and become teachers, from the looks of it, our bedroom, our bathroom, and - and i shudder to even think about this - the man room would've been engulfed in flames.
...and i would've been pissed.

so, in light of this recent development, moving down here in order to kick off our respective careers was a decent play. now we just have to keep operation: uncarpetbag moving along at a steady pace for the next two years, and we'll be all set.

in conclusion, i hate grad school.

- brian

1 comment:

Dugrammy said...

You were right, good thing you are in Florida. I go to Weight Watchers with your Grandma. She is a very remarkable and talented person. Nice blog.