Thursday, January 29, 2009

On Being a Recluse...

sorry we haven't been in touch more, folks - both of us have been working like crazy lately, and its made keeping up on this thing nearly impossible. we'll try and maintain the weekly updates like we have been, but please forgive us if these updates don't come as often as they used to for awhile - we're up to the hilt in crap these days.

besides working full-time and tackling all of that nonsense, i'm still slugging my way through grad school and hating every, last minute of it. it's not nearly as fun as one would think a non-partying college experience would be (college, but without all of those wretched distractions like parties, shenanigans, and the like? awesome!!). but, like i've said countless times before, its a means to an end, and you folks will be hearing me complain about it all of the time on this here website-thingy. stay tuned.

in baby news, the cannonball still enjoys bath-time.


- brian

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