this has been a week from Hell, folks...
it all started off with my folks coming down for a quick visit last weekend (...that's not the 'hell' part.) that itself wasn't too bad at all, mind you - on the contrary, it was rather cool. we had a great visit with the parentals, and they - dad and cindy - got to revel in the grandparent role for a weekend in the tropics with a quasi-new grandbaby. everybody wins.
the morning they left, however, alayna was getting sick. a precursor, as it would turn out to be, of the horrible, horrible things to come. now, at some point in time in the middle of the night, while the kid was hacking up a lung and starting to cry, kris got up to make a bottle to help her back to sleep. alas, in doing so, in the pitch black darkness, kris spilled a crapload of water and baby formula all over our kitchen countertop... where my cell phone was charging.
... and guess what happened next?
well, i'll spare you the clever, long-winded narrative and just tell you that the ball and chain ruined my phone. and, to make a long story short, kris and i both divorced our motorolla razrs and got new phones. kris bought a new sony erickson phone (with which she has since developed a strong love/hate relationship), and yours truly upgraded to a blackberry pearl flip phone (see picture). at this point in time, folks, i should tell you that i love the damn thing. i am writing it into my will. in fact, if it were at all possible, i'd divorce kris, marry the phone, and make hordes of little phone-babies that i could then turn around and sell on craigslist... where, contradictly, i cannot sell one, damn sword.
moving right along to the other part of this whole blog posting title....
this whole phone fiasco took place on the eve of Great FeverFest '09, which rendered me and the cannonball completely bed-ridden and useless for nigh on two weeks. spiking fevers, hacked up lungs, and more fever blankets than one could find at an 1880s south dakota trading post (what up, history reference?!). it knocked the baby down first, and yours truly shortly thereafter. we'd soon find out that the both of us had a nasty case of bronchitisis, which had been making its way throughout my school (a.k.a. the germ factory) as well as the school kris and the kid spend most of their days at (also appropriately monikered the germ factory). i missed three days of work, kris missed a couple, and the kid was out for over a week.
...but guess what? we still got to pay for that week of daycare. which is awesome.
(i'm so glad i was able to use an early '90s reference in this posting)
- brian
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