Thursday, January 29, 2009

On Being a Recluse...

sorry we haven't been in touch more, folks - both of us have been working like crazy lately, and its made keeping up on this thing nearly impossible. we'll try and maintain the weekly updates like we have been, but please forgive us if these updates don't come as often as they used to for awhile - we're up to the hilt in crap these days.

besides working full-time and tackling all of that nonsense, i'm still slugging my way through grad school and hating every, last minute of it. it's not nearly as fun as one would think a non-partying college experience would be (college, but without all of those wretched distractions like parties, shenanigans, and the like? awesome!!). but, like i've said countless times before, its a means to an end, and you folks will be hearing me complain about it all of the time on this here website-thingy. stay tuned.

in baby news, the cannonball still enjoys bath-time.


- brian

Monday, January 19, 2009

Justification for Carpetbagging

hi gang.

for those of you folks out there who thought kris and i leaving our old apartment in clare and moving all the way down to florida was pretty crappy, please observe the following pics (thanks granny):


that's our old aparment there on the second floor. the one all charred out and black. now, had we not moved to florida and become teachers, from the looks of it, our bedroom, our bathroom, and - and i shudder to even think about this - the man room would've been engulfed in flames.
...and i would've been pissed.

so, in light of this recent development, moving down here in order to kick off our respective careers was a decent play. now we just have to keep operation: uncarpetbag moving along at a steady pace for the next two years, and we'll be all set.

in conclusion, i hate grad school.

- brian

Saturday, January 10, 2009

To Hell with You, Crom!! i started grad school on monday.

(just so you guys know, its not fun. at all.)

i really don't want to delve too far into it all, as i've already flogged that dead horse to pieces already. i just wanted everybody to realize that if i seemingly drop off the face of the earth for the next year and a half, you'll know the reason. the hermitishness i'll surely have to resort to farther on into my program hasn't set in yet - thus far i've been able to balance school (work) with work (school) without sacrificing too much social time. we'll see how all that crap pans out later on, though.

speaking of crap, i think it sucks we have to settle for a measely two conan movies. its ridiculous. all those movies about fast and furious cars, all those movies about hip-hop kids and dancing, all those movies with will ferrell playing some washed-up professional athelete... and we can only squeeze out two conan movies?


i'm not counting red sonja as a conan movie either, folks. jesus, if conan's in a movie, its pretty stupid pretending he's not the main character. you may try shoving him out of the center spotlight, but its just not going to work.

the guy's bigger than Crom. he will crush his enemies and see them driven before him.


...i should really get back to writing my research paper.

- brian

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Duck Tales

hey guys...

sorry to get your hopes up with that catchy title - this entry has nothing whatsoever to do with the '80s, after-school cartoon we all loved so much.

nay, alayna had her first bath today in her brand new, inflatable duck bath.



- brian