Happy Easter, Internet.
I know I've said this, like, a billion times already, but I can't stand this frickin' holiday. Lots of prep go into kids' Easter baskets, there's a scavenger hunt to plan, Easter eggs to stuff, and, to top it all off, church.
Definitely doesn't rank among the likes of Christmas, St. Patrick's Day, or Halloween, that's for damn sure.
This year was better, though. Taking into consideration their recent trips to
New York and
Mexico, and seeing how they're no longer little kids, Kris and I decided to scale back Easter this year. For the first time in over a decade, there was
no morning scavenger hunt around the house (and yard) for the girls'
Easter Baskets. We
didn't hide Easter eggs around, either (though we haven't done that in a few years - kids grew out of that tradition pretty fast.) Their baskets were basically candy and beauty items - no Sunday dresses or anything like that this time around.
But we still ended up going to church in the morning. Kris is a big fan of going to church.
After the service ended, we came home and had a couple hours to kill before heading over to Mom and John's house for an Easter lunch (and to celebrate Grandpa Chinery's belated 91st Birthday.) We couldn't change out of our church clothes because Mom wanted some family pictures taken with Grandpa later, so Kris and the girls chalked the driveway a little and we otherwise occupied ourselves until heading over there to meet up with my brothers and their families for some much-needed food.
So here you go, folks - Easter '23, Hough-style.
Enjoy. . .
Easter Baskets for the girls (and dogs.) |
Not-so-patient dogs, awaiting their plunder. |
Kris randomly threw in some of the girls' old Easter crafts from when they were like 2 or 3 into their baskets this year. I think she found them while cleaning out a filing cabinet a couple months ago - I'm assuming she was just trying to 'nicely' get rid of them. |
We had to park at Chestnut Hill Elementary's front parking lot this morning when we rolled into Kris' new church (which is located right next door to the girls' alma mater.) When we started walking over we spotted moron's stellar parking job. |
After church, we came home and all killed time until we had to go to Mom's (as previously mentioned.) Kris and the girls (and the dogs) began chalking up the driveway and tried to soak up some of the rare-for-this-time-of-year sun. |
Kris tries to get some color. |
Samson had to remain on a leash at all times - because it's Samson - but Watson's fine without one. Abby and him walked all the way down to the corner of the road and back, he's pretty good at sticking where he's supposed to. |
The Cannonball and her trademark drawing, Larry. There's a backstory here but I'll be damned if I remember it. . . |
Around 2pm we drove over to Mom's. When we got there Mom had this sitting out on an end table for Chris (I'm assuming she stumbled upon it while doing some Spring cleaning or something, who knows.) |
John recently installed some built-ins in their living room. These guys completely change the layout of this room every six or seven months, I think.. |
~2.jpg) |
Kris wanted a family picture taken of us today - we ran out of time to take the usual pre-church pic in the Study (Kris' new church starts about an hour earlier than her former church.) |
After eating lunch, we decided to take a couple family pictures with Grandpa. Seeing how he's like 91 years old he's pretty much on borrowed time these days. Chris brought over his camera crap and we began the long and drawn-out process of arranging various nieces and nephews on the couch. |
(This took much longer than you'd think.) |
Front Row, Left to Right: Levi, Samwise, Nora, and Louis. Back Row, Left to Right: Owen, Abby, Grandpa, the Cannonball, and Scarlett. |
Aaaaaand one with The Borthers. |
Nicole thought of getting one with Mom and Grandpa at the last minute - can't believe the rest of us hadn't thought to do that. |
Eating more food in the sun room. FYI - I thought those Easter Bunnies painted on Mom's windows (courtesy of Owen and Scarlett) had really, saggy granny boobs. . . then someone told me those were their paws. |
Weather was pretty awesome today - sunny and mid-60s, so folks were in and out between this room and the backyard throughout the afternoon. |
After awhile it was time for Grandpa to blow out his candles. We figured we'd cut the guy a break and not have him blow out ninety-one, individual candles. That'd probably kill him. |
Alayna sent me this. She's a bitch. |
After cake and ice cream, most of us migrated outside to take advantage of the sun. . . |
Abby man-handles (girl-handles?) her little cousin. |
Jeff's been working with Owen on catching and throwing a ball around, the kid's pretty good at it. |
Mom thought it'd be a good idea to give the little kids bubble guns. I get it, it's a 'spring' sorta toy. Still, after you take what equates to a gallon of soap suds in the face throughout the duration of an afternoon, the toy wears on you a smidge. |
Lotta stuff to process here. . . |
Meanwhile, around the house, Abby and Scarlett chalked up Mom's driveway. |
Touching up Alayna's Larry drawing. |
Levi and Louis tossing a ball back and forth. . . over a distance of like 16". Levi complained the entire time. |
Larry looks pretty gay here, not gonna lie. |
My nephews are weird. They must get it from their dads. |
Around dinner time - not that anyone was hungry after Mom's house - we came back to the house. The weather, still amazing out, dictated Kris and I enjoy a beverage on the back patio. Behold, America - the first Oberon of the season. |
Later that evening, winding down with the girls and watching some TV. This very well might be the laziest dog in the Tri-City area. |
- Brian
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