We've had a lot of weirdness lately, America. Let's play it safe this time around.
Album Title: Elvis' Christmas Album
Album Artist: Elvis Presley
After a cavalcade of really, really bottom-shelf Holiday albums, I decided I needed a break. Something that wouldn't subject me to a prolonged period of torture, something I could throw on the ol' turntable and breathe a sigh of relief.
This was just the album for that.
Hail to the King |
The King of Rock and Roll* - a term I use with a huge-ass asterisk next to it, since Elvis never wrote a single song in the entirety of his career - sure came out with a ton of Christmas music in his day. This shouldn't' be surprising, though, since he came out with a heap of albums during his lifetime (and many, many more that came after his infamous, toilet-related death.) This album contains quite a few of his treasured favorites, but - as is the case with other artists I've reviewed over the years on this blog of ours - it's not for everyone.
If you love Elvis, you'll love this. If he's not your favorite, odds are you're not gonna like this one.
For me, personally, I prefer Elvis' more upbeat, rocking numbers than his crooning, slower, more introspective songs. The young Presley/Perkins/Cash/Lewis era of early Country/Rock and Roll in the '50s, where the King was swinging his hips in a manner that scared the bejesus out of White Society. That's my jam. Not so much the latter, bloated, crooning Elvis that wore bedazzled leisure suits and sweated profusely.
There's a bit of both Elvises on this album, which I guess is unavoidable considering the guy's range and variety of singing styles and the demand for him to do various genres (rock, country, and gospel, namely.) I'm fine with this duality because the music of the Holiday Season has its bangers and anthems, just as it has its more chill and low-key carols. Fortunately, given the King's vocal prowess, he's able to handle both - it just boils down to your own personal preference which Elvis (and consequent songs on this album) you prefer.
All in all, this album is a safe bet, as it has a little of everything from a reputable legend, who has the rare ability to deliver a signature sound across a wide spectrum of song styles. This one won't go down as one of my favorite Holiday albums, but it's certainly nothing to stick your nose up to. Take that for what it's worth, I guess.
VERDICT: 7/10 - Pretty Rad (The King of Rock and Roll made a Christmas album, and it sounds exactly as you'd expect. No surprises here, good or bad - it's vanilla ice cream, but ice cream nonetheless.)
- Brian
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