Sunday, June 19, 2016

El Dia de los Padres

Happy Father's Day, Fellow Dads.

Generally, this is usually one of those Second-Tier Holidays for the Hough Family.  Mother's Day easily outranks it, as the recognition is honestly more of a big deal for moms than it is for dads, so I honestly wasn't expecting much from Kris and the girls this year.  Booze, maybe, as that's usually the go-to gift for Yours Truly:  a bottle of whiskey or a sixer of beer from a local brewery.

Sure enough, I did get a bottle of my favorite whiskey when I woke up (Birddog Maple), along with a coffee mug, a picture frame, and some hilarious cards from the girls.  Afterwards, we drove up to my dad's house in Clare to spend the day with our family Patriarch, along with my brothers and their families.

Behold.  A sunny day of dadhood. . .

What can I say?  Abby gets me.
Poolside, chowin'  down on some Cops and Doughnuts snackage.
We got to Dad and Cindy's around 10am in order to make good use of their pool before the Whites - and their rowdy boys - came by, shortly after lunch.
An hour or so later, Chris stopped by, too (sans Tucker and Nicole.)
Yes, my girls still suck at swimming.
Kris picked me up a box of these at the store, too - a lot like Guinness, just with coffee aroma and aftertaste. 
My parents take a lot of pictures of these kids fishing. . .
A day of sun and swimming has completely kicked this kid's butt.
Jeff and his fam rolled in shortly before the parents bought everyone God's Gift to Mankind: Buccelli's pizza.
Dad showing the grandkids a nest full of baby birds, right next to Bailey's kennel area
This kinda reminds me of my kids. . .
Jax and Nana
Classic Owen face.
Papa reading a book with Scarlett
Happy Father's Day, Internet

- Brian

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