Saturday, February 21, 2015

Let Them Eat Thin Mints

Hawkin' the wares. . .
You wanna know what I hate?  Talking to strangers.

I hate small talk with a passion, and I also hate having to go out of my way in dealing with people, because - as I'm sure you're probably already aware - most people are idiots.

Prove me wrong.

Taking this into consideration, it was clear that I was bound to loath chaperoning my kid's girl scout cookie-selling booth this weekend.

The Cannonball tries her hand at Graphic Design
We were only there two hours, but it was a looooooong two hours.  Surprisingly enough, most people that passed by the table - set up right outside the exit doors of the Publix supermarket in Hunters Creek - stopped and bought something.  I figured we'd sell two boxes and be ignored by 95% of the shoppers that walked by us, but I guess most people in Hunters Creek aren't the asshole Yours Truly apparently is.

Anyway, here's a handful of pics from two hours of pure weirdness. . .

As it turns out, most of the people that stopped by and bought cookies from us were female (I guess chick's have more of a sweet tooth.)  We probably could have snagged more dudes if the Girl Scouts of America pushed  beer as well. . .
Busy workin'  the crowds
Smoke 'em if ya got 'em.
Photo courtesy of the Cannonball

- Brian

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