Thursday, February 26, 2015

An Afternoon with Uncle Chris

Uncle Chris, meet Baby Commonia. . .
I think, in the eight years we've been down here in America's Wang, I could count on one hand the amount of times we've had family visit us that wasn't a grandparent.  It's probably happened four or five times, seriously.

Well, the fifth or sixth time was this afternoon, for a couple hours.  My younger brother Chris was in Orlando for his buddy's wedding (which he was standing in), and was able to swing out to our house for a few hours between the wedding rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner.  Kris was still at work, so it was up to me and the girls to show him a good time.

Here's what happened. . .

First thing's first - all family members that visit our house, evidently, must have their hair groomed by these two annoying children.
Watson can sense 'dog people,' and consequently spent much of Chris' visit trying to get up in my brother's lap. . .
See the chaos unfolding in this picture?  Note the abandoned infant off to the right.  The half-deflated Valentine's Day helium balloons.  The once-refrigerated  carton of soy milk.  The piles of plastic dishes and fake food.  The blue blanket "for Uncle Chris" that Uncle Chris certainly didn't need or ask for.  The board-game wielding minors running amok.  This patio was spotless not fifteen minutes before this picture was taken.  I'm completely serious. 
Broke this limited release out (from Great Divide, one of my favorite microbreweries), seeing how it was an official Borther visit and all. . .
After a couple beers, Uncle Chris was ready to play his nieces in a knuckle-whitening bout of Chutes and Ladders. . .
Master spinner (Alayna insisted she could have Sprite, since Chris and I were drinking craft beer coffee. . .
Borthers, sharing the same square.
Uncle Chris makes his move.  Much to their disappointment, he'd end up winning this hours-long tour-de-crap.

- Brian

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