Hi gang,
So we had ourselves a wedding yesterday. Pretty good time.
Let me first start off by saying how much I hate traveling with children. I hate it. Traveling with kids is right up there with having pruney fingers for me - it makes me want to vomit and cringe and punch the nearest person to me right square in the face.
Here's why.
We finally made it back to our house down here to Orlando around 9:30pm or so, and to say it was a long trip would be an understatement. The entire trip back to Florida was plagued by inconvenience and misadventure. I-75 was under construction and, at times, at a complete stand-still. With two screaming kids in the car, this was awesome.
After a few hours on the road - losing about an hour and a half in idiotic traffic - we finally got to the Detro Metro Airport. It had been a long, long weekend, and the girls were exhausted, and, as can be expected, the plane ride back was excruciatingly bad. Nevermind the fact that, taking into consideration they were so tired, we had to carry both girls through the airport while somehow juggling two toddler car seats, a stroller, and all of our suitcases.
Good times.
But let's backtrack, here - I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's back up to the day of my brother's wedding...
I'll spare you the details of the actual wedding and reception, as there was a lot that went on and it can probably be summed up best with pictures. Seeing how my dad has already posted a ton of pictures from that night, I'd advise you to check out his website Here.
A couple last thoughts on the weekend, however:
1. Never engage in a conversation with any of the guys that work on a party bus. He's gross, and every story he's got to share isn't worth sharing unless you're a mondo perv. You're going to walk away from the whole thing feeling like you just contracted Hepatitis.
2. Next time you have to give a speech, use a PowerPoint. They seem to work out quite well.
3. Don't contract my child to be a Flower Girl unless you want to see her underwear.
4. Label everything you own. At all times. Sunglasses, liquor, suit jackets, etc. Ton of stuff lost this weekend. I'm not happy about it.
4. Traveling with kids sucks. Let no one tell you otherwise.
So we had ourselves a wedding yesterday. Pretty good time.
Let me first start off by saying how much I hate traveling with children. I hate it. Traveling with kids is right up there with having pruney fingers for me - it makes me want to vomit and cringe and punch the nearest person to me right square in the face.
Here's why.
We finally made it back to our house down here to Orlando around 9:30pm or so, and to say it was a long trip would be an understatement. The entire trip back to Florida was plagued by inconvenience and misadventure. I-75 was under construction and, at times, at a complete stand-still. With two screaming kids in the car, this was awesome.

Good times.

We had taken it relatively easy Friday night, as we did have to look our best for a wedding and all in the morning. I got up before everyone else, and decided to watch one of my all-time favorite movies, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Eventually, we threw in a few boxes of pastries from Clare's Cop's and Donuts and chased it down with a few mamosas. Breakfast of champions.
A couple last thoughts on the weekend, however:

2. Next time you have to give a speech, use a PowerPoint. They seem to work out quite well.
3. Don't contract my child to be a Flower Girl unless you want to see her underwear.
4. Label everything you own. At all times. Sunglasses, liquor, suit jackets, etc. Ton of stuff lost this weekend. I'm not happy about it.
4. Traveling with kids sucks. Let no one tell you otherwise.
- Brian
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