Wednesday, August 3, 2011

One Old Bag

Hi y'all.

As you all may remember, I turned 30 last year. I wasn't happy about it, and it wasn't all that awesome( Remember?).

This year, it's Kris' turn to hurl herself through the 3-0 gauntlet, but she didn't seem all that concerned about it (which was weird).

She started off the day taking the kids to the Kissimmee Aquatic Center (alongside her cohorts from the Hunter's Creek Legion of Moms), before having her hair chopped off and styled.

Check it out:

The Hough girls - Kissimmee Aquatic Center

Alayna and some random kid


12 inches off the top...

Oh, and Alayna and I baked/designed a cake and cupcakes, too. The Cannonball was set on yellow, and I'm not one to argue with the boss. Here's some pics of our bakery prowess:

The Cannonball takes charge of the finishing touches

Bizarro cupcakes, courtesy of Alayna

Healthy lunch

Abby doesn't care for baked goods all that much, but that chick will mow down frosting like a sum'bitch...

Finished products

Happy broads

In closing, here's some video of Abby playing with cans. She did this for a half hour.


- Brian

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