Hi gangsters.
So Kris and I don't go out on 'dates' much anymore. Having kids more or less means you can't. Yeah, we could dump them off onto one of our friends, but... who wants to put up with our kids for three or four hours? That isn't fun for anyone. We only put up with our kids' crap because the government makes us.
Well, if anyone's capable of putting up with loud-mouth, obnoxioux kids, it's my Mom - she raised three of them. She offered to watch the kids Friday so that Kris and I could go out and catch dinner and a movie. So, for the first time in over a year, Kris and I were able to head out into town without towing our two disaster bombs with us.

Yet, as you're about to see, God apparently doesn't like Kris and I going out on dates any more than our kids do.

Peril struck from the get-go. We first stopped off at a Dunkin Donuts for a couple coffees, as we had spent the entire afternoon in the sun and were pretty groggy. Alas, upon getting back into my car, it failed to start. Eventually, my mom had to drive out and rescue us - our two kids in tow. After jumping the car and taking it back to the house, we were forced to take Kris' mega van out on our 'date' instead.
Back to square one, an hour or so later than we had initially planned. Time for dinner.

(If this had been our very first date, I don't think I'd be seeing Kris again.)

(F.Y.I. - not the best-tasting stuff, if you've never had it.)
Now, by the time we were out of the restaurant, we had missed the movie start time (of course), so instead we hit up something considerably more awesome: Guitar Center.
Now, I grew up playing the piano and the drums, but around the time I joined the Peace Corps and went off to Africa, I started getting into guitar. For a few years, I really got into this, but, over time, my interest waned (to me, its just not as fun as the drums - not even close). So I picked up the mandolin (mine is a Michael Kelly F-Style Tobacco Burst - absolutely gorgeous instrument), but this felt a bit too foreign to figure out.

The solution? The ukulele.
This is truly the instrument of the gods. I had a couple already - a small souvenir uke I picked up at a garage sale, a vintage Harmony uke I inherited from my grandpa after he passed (slightly larger than a concert, but not quite as big as a tenor), and an Oscar Schmidt OU5 Concert uke.
At Guitar Center, I picked up a Lanikai LU-21 Soprano uke, which is, according to pretty much every source you can track down and find, the best quality starter uke you can buy. Period:

- Brian
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