Hey fans,

So this week I've been on
Spring Break, which was scheduled a little earlier this year than usual (generally we have it in early April). And, like the last few spring breaks I've had since becoming a somewhat responsible member of society, so far this year I have yet to remove any article of clothing for beads.
Still have a few days left, though.
Haven't done much around the house these last few days, save for random yard work and some 'side-project' catch-up. It's nice having the time off to be able to catch up on things around the house - my workload at school has been daunting, as we're entering crunch time before the kids tackle the dreaded FCAT (our annual standardized test down here). So having a week off to release all the steam before throwing them into the fire is awesome.

And, while I don't have to put up with other peoples' kids for a week, I still have to put up with my own. So I've got that going for me.
Of course, Alayna
somehow managed to lock Abby in her bedroom (from the inside), so we had to have our neighbor across the street, Randy, swing by and pop out the lock in order to free our hysterical infant. After
that joyfest, I switched around the doorknob so that the lock faced the outside, which
a.) prevents either of the kids from accidentally locking themselves in the room again, as well as
b.) allows
us to lock either of them in their room whenever the mood strikes.
That's called '
good parenting.'

In closing, I'd also hazard to mention that lately I've begun battling my brothers online via MarioKart Wii. Now, I'm not one for bragging or anything, but I would not be lying to you in referring myself as 'King of Kart.' I'm pretty good at this game, and am rarely bested in racing. The last couple times we've raced online, however, I haven't been doing as well. It was bugging the crap out of me for awhile there, but now I think I've figured it out.
Split screens.Oh yes, I said it.

I was consecutively beating my little brother Jeff early on in one of our tournaments. His wife, Annie, was also racing with us, and, since they were both racing on the same console, they were viewing a two-player split-screen. I was beating them easily, as I had the full screen of my TV at my disposal - I wasn't sharing it with a second player. Afterward, though, Annie retired for the evening, and
my wife, Mrs. Nags-a-plenty, hopped on. Now
I was the one racing with a split screen, and Jeff had a full-screen view in front of
him. Consequently, he was handing me my ass time and time again.
...not that any of
you people out there care about
any of this dork-talk, but I'm using this opportunity to clear my name and
MarioKart reputation right here, right now.
That's why I was racing like an asshole those two nights, brothers. Be forewarned.
In closing, here's some more videos to enjoy. Slainté.
- King of Kart
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