Saturday, April 2, 2011

Brian vs. the Backyard

So I've been spending a lot of time outdoors lately, and I haven't been having all that much fun in doing so. Not. At. All.

My yard is pissing me off. Mondo pissing me off. While I'm not quite 'that guy' on the block who has the crappiest yard in the neighborhood, I'm probably well on my way there. My property has suffered a mole invasion, an aggressive fire ant resurgence, and a drought that nearly turned it into a Dustbowl.

These problems aside, its still littered with resurrecting weeds, crab grass, and all sorts of other random plant life that wasn't on my yard's guest list. I've attempted, on numerous occasions, to eradicate this ever-present weed problem, but to no avail - apparently the weeds in my yard are constructed from the same liquid metal as the guy from Terminator 2.


Anyway, the point of this entry is not to be all 'Debby Downer' in regards to my yard, but instead to showcase a glimmer of hope in my ongoing yardical battles. Yes, in a bit of positive news, I've successfully managed to set up our spoils of war (or, 'garage sale' from the previous month). As I may or may not have told you all before, with some of the proceeds from our Tour de Sell we up and bought ourselves a gigantor kiddie pool for the kids.

And this week was the week I beat my yard's ass and set that thing up. Behold:

...This pool is either going to be a huge, time and money-consuming disaster, or else this summer's go-to source for awesomeness. And once again, in closing, here are some more videos for your viewing pleasure.

- Brian

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