Thursday, July 22, 2010

Abby's Gauntlet

So, it's been 2 months already since Abigail entered into our crazy family and the time has come for her to endure the obstacle of vaccines that is mandatory for any child to go through.

5 vaccines is the requirement at this age, 4 of them being given in shot form. I'm not too much of a fan of this, but I don't have much of a choice. It's not the shot thing that bothers me as much as the pumping my infant full of God knows what, but I do acknowledge the necessity.

Well, Brian and I decided that not only is she going to fulfill this requirement of hers, but that she should also get her ears pierced and claim her womanhood now.

Yes, you heard me right, we chose to do all of these things in one foul swoop at her 2 month check-up. Poor child.

By the way, Abby is now rocking out at 10 pounds 4 ounces and is somewhere in the 25-50th percentile, and somewhere between 50-75th percentile in length at 22 3/4 inches. This far surpassing her sister who is still rocking out below the 3rd percentile in weight. Go Alayna!

(Their doctor demands Alayna get nothing but the fattiest and most sugar filled foods possible to get her back on the curve).

Needless to say, Abby was not a fan of being pierced w/ so many needles all at once, but she recovered quickly and here's a shot of the end result (earrings, not vaccines).


p.s. Alayna scored some new pink earrings also

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