today, a line was drawn in the sand.
we started seeing warning signs last summer that something was starting to go awry with our parrot, fezzig. he started plucking his own feathers out, and wasn't as talkative as he used to be. the most obvious factor for this change in behavior, obviously, was the brand new, fresh-out-of-the-womb kid that kristina had just popped out - our bird was jealous as all hell, and was taking it out on himself/herself.
several months went by, and while his feather plucking did, in fact, cease to an extent, his mood progressively got worse. he started to bite kristina more, and would no longer respond to her commands... which is weird, seeing how she's the one he bonded to when we first got him back in 2005. i, personally, chalk this up to the whole 'lover scorned' thing... but that's just me, and i don't know if parrots do that sort of thing.
i'm not a orthinologist... or whatever they're called.
about a week or two ago, as the bird was squawking at the top of its lungs for no apparent reason, and my wits were quite nearly at they're end, kristina and i came to the realization that weren't doing anybody - either ourselves or fezzig - any favors by continuing on in such a fashion.
so we decided that we'd put him on a trial basis for the next couple of weeks and determine whether or not we should put him up for adoption.
its been a pretty hard decision to make on our part - the guy's been part of our family since i returned from africa - but we had to do what was best for everybody, and, honestly, i don't think we can give the guy the attention he deserves at this point. we spoiled the crap out of him when we first got him, and are unable to give him the same level of attention that we did when we were both kid-less and career-less. besides, what happens when kris gets knocked up a second time? or we end up getting a dog? or the dog we ended up getting gets knocked up? these are things we have to think about, and, unfortunately, all signs are pointing towards the adoption of fezzig the ferocious.
we'll keep you posted.