Sunday, May 25, 2008

Preggosaurus Rex

hey players.

so... about this whole pregnancy thing. you should know, right off the bat, that we were not looking at having kids any time soon when this all went down. nevertheless, it happened. i'll spare you the details, but the end result was the transformation of kristina the wife into preggosaurus rex.

concerning babies: i live with a girl already, so having a second one around the house didn't sound like all that much fun. twice the clucking, half the bathroom space. not so awesome. besides, i've been looking forward to having an excuse to get back into playing with legos for a long, long time now. girls can't really get that much into the cool toys you can buy boys, unless you raise 'em as tomboys (which is a hair away from turning them lesbo, so you have to be careful there if you want grandkids down the road). therefore, obviously, yours truly was hoping for a boy. someone to pass the name 'hough' down - and not toss it aside for the first damn guy that throws a diamond in her face. that doesn't seem too ridiculous of a preference, either; in my opinion, its better to have the boy first before you start popping out girls - that way he can rough up his little sister's boyfriends when need be.

unfortunately, God and whatever other forces that be didn't seem to taken my preference into consideration when they implanted kristina with a girl. that's right, a girl. so now i'm forced with the dilemma of having to justify giving her legos every year for Christmas.

back to the pregnancy. we found out kris was knocked up sometime in the middle of october, and most doctors seem to think the date of conception (i.e. the date of 'getting it on') was most likely the same weekend as our 1 year wedding anniversary (happy anniversary!). for those of you who suck at mathematics as bad as i do, that puts the little squirt cannonballing out of preggosaurus sometime around june 22nd. this, as many of you know, is little under 30 days away. less than a month. now, we're pretty much set with a lot of what we need at this point - we've got the crib, we've got her nursery set up, we've got a lot of clothes, i'm got my uber-male diaper bag, etc. - pretty much all we need at this point are the little things and toys and stuff like that. not too bad.

...oh yeah, and a name. we still don't have a name yet at this point.

now, we've gotten a lot of suggestions from people out there (some good, most bad), and have come close to settling on given names a number of times, but nothing has stuck out concretely. i'm hoping to at least head into the hospital with a short list of narrowed-down names - that's my immediate goal, and i think its possible. i don't know.... if it gets to the point where i'm holding the kid at the hospital and we still can't figure out a damn name for it, i'm going to name it 'chuck' and just say 'screw it.'

so there you have it, readers - that's been the quick synopsis of the pregnancy. the way i see it, the pregnancy horror stories you hear about - the perils of preggosauruses and the stress of awaiting the arrival of a new baby, etc. - are most likely penned by cowards. seriously. folks, if you live with a harpy, she's probably going to be a harpy when she's pregnant. stop acting so shocked and appalled. so far *knock on wood* kris has handled this whole pregnancy thing extremely well. no pickles and ice cream on this end... though kris isn't afraid to eat a big bag of twizzlers in one sitting.

by the way, you guys wanna know how cool it is living with a pregnant woman? check this out:

...yeah. its that cool.

keep it real.

- brian

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