Friday, May 23, 2008

Here We Go Again...

well kids, we're going to try this again, here.

*begin fanfare*

hi. how you doin'? we're the houghs. you may have heard of us. today we're relaunching an online site to keep people back home and spread out around the world updated with current events, pictures, and the like. much like last time, except this time way better. seriously. we promise this time.

here's a quick prologue for ya:

a couple months after getting hitched in october 2006, we moved from clare, MI. to orlando, FL. with a herculean moving truck, a loud parrot, and no job prospects in sight. this didn't seem to matter, though, as michigan was ranked 50th in the nation for its job market and economy (i mean, being unemployed in one state is just as good as being unemployed in another, right?). of course it is. besides, florida has palm trees and theme parks. what's michigan have... snow and construction? with this in mind, we slung on our hobo packs and sallied forth.

we got a cheap - but safe - place in southeast orlando for that first year. not the nicest place, but we weren't being shot at either, so we couldn't complain too much at the time. taking up multiple part-time jobs in order to meet the many ends, we whored out resumes and cover letters and desperately sought out professional careers to pay off our gargantuan student loans. after a few months, kristina took a job with kindercare as an infant teacher, and brian was hired as a 7th grade social studies teacher at a public intermediate school. and so, after much trial and tribulation, the cross-country carpetbagging and the months of fruitless searching paid off. *more fanfare* the houghs were established.

yes, all things were going well for brian and kristina when suddenly, out of nowhere, came the impending rumble of foreboding peril...

yes, friends, kristina was knocked up. three pregnancy tests in rapid-fire succession sure didn't lie... its nigh on 9 months later and kristina - or, as she's commonly referred to now, "preggosaurus rex" - is still, indeed, very pregnant (we'll get to that ol' tale later, though).

anyway, in april of 2008 we moved into a bigger place, closer to kissimmee, in order to make room for the baby without having to sacrifice the man-den (the room that houses brian's many swords, records, video games, and our parrot, fezzig). kristina switched to a different kindercare center, serving the white-collar big-shots at disney in celebration (that's a town), in order to avoid paying an arm and a leg in tolls and gas to commute to her old center. brian's first year of teaching in florida public schools went so well that he was asked to renew his contract with the school, despite state budget cuts and other economic woes of the like (we'll get to that whole fiasco later, too). and fezzig, who is beginning to sense that something's amiss in the hough household, is now entering sexual maturity. awesome.

...and so there you are. there's the prologue. you're welcome. now that everybody's up to speed with the grand hough back story, we'll be sure to keep you all informed from now on with updates, pictures, antidotes, etc. from our end (seriously).

stay outta trouble...

- the houghs

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