Thursday, September 5, 2024

Be True to Your School

'Sup gang.

Alayna and Abby getting some morning boba tea before school.
So, like I've mentioned before, Abby tried out for and made Midland High's JV Pom team this summer, and, since like June, has been practicing with them regularly. 

Two hours a day, every day, for months. And she's gotten really, really good. So much so, in fact, that now Varsity pommers are starting to approach her about joining the Varsity team (not sure if they can promote during the season or else they have to wait 'til the following year, not sure how that works.)

Tonight was her first Home MHS football game of the year - a double-header featuring both the Freshman and JV MHS Football teams - where she and her teammates perform a routine at each Halftime (as well as the school fight song following every Chemic touchdown.) They won't have to perform at Away games this year (thank f***ing God), but will be at every Home game this season.

I had been down in Detroit the night before, and got back into town around 11am, which gave me some much-needed time at home before heading over to the school's stadium to watch, like, three hours of teenage football.

Definitely not my ideal way to spend an evening, but watching Abby perform is always awesome.

So here you go, guys - the first of what I'm sure will be many, many evenings we spend watching Pom and Football.  Enjoy. . .

Abby, Ella, and some other pommer recreate the famous Spiderman meme in one of their classrooms, earlier in the day while in school.
Abby and some of her teammates kill some time before the Freshman game by taking a ridiculous amount of selfies. . .
The JV Pom Team
The Cannonball requested a selfie with me while we were hanging out in the stands watching the game with Kris, the Johnsons, and the Larsons.
Abby, Nica, and some other random kid whose name I don't know.
Halftime at the Freshman game.
I forget what this move is called - not a C Jump, but sorta similar.
Kick line needs some work, but considering it's the first game of the season, we can cut 'em some slack. It's not like it's Abby who's holding them down - there's a few players on this team that, most likely, won't be making cuts when the time comes.
The video version, for your viewing pleasure.
Okay, this is weird. . .
In formation for the school fight song, following a Freshman touchdown in the second half.
MHS Fight Song
Courtney, having a blast.
After watching the Freshman game, there was like twenty minutes or whatever until the JV game started. I didn't take any pics of the first half of the JV game, because it was getting dark and the lighting was obviously worse, nor did I record their performance at that Halftime (since it was the exact, same routine as earlier.) But afterwards some photographer got a couple team pics of the girls. . .
Abby poses on the field after her first game(s) of the season. . .

- Brian

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