Saturday, July 6, 2024

Fourth of July on the Lake (...sort of.)

Hi Internet.

Well, turns out the weather held out long enough today to get a solid trip in to Eight Point Lake. It might not have been our usual Fourth of July, extended-weekend venture, but at least we got something similar to the norm this year.

Abby is about to attend a week-long Pom boot camp with her Midland JV team at Northwood at the butt-crack dawn tomorrow, so we were unable to even stay the night up at the lake. This was instead a simple day trip, and we ended up heading back to Midland once the annual flares were over and done with. Abby even ended up staying behind so that she could finish up packing.  The silver lining here was that we didn't have to worry about packing a ton of overnight stuff, coolers, the girls' crap, the dogs, etc. - hell of a lot easier.

The Whites, along with Jeff, Carissa, and their four kids, were all up for the day as well (though Jeff and his crew ended up staying the night.) And as disappointed as we all were that we weren't having our usual Fourth of July weekend up at Eight Point, we were planning on rescheduling our extended visit for the following week, when Bryan and Chelsey were flying in.

So here you go, gang - this year's installment of Eight Point flares and what-not. Check it out. . .

We arrived around noon, shortly before Jeff and his family, and as soon as his kids changed into swimwear they started bugging me about jet ski rides. So I spent the next hour and a half doing what any good uncle would do. . . 
After exhausting about 40% of a tank of gas running my kids and Jeff's kids about the lake, I finally threw in the towel and asked for a break. So then the nephews started asking for a boat ride instead, so Dad stepped up and loaded up the grandkids on the pontoon for a buzz around the lake.
Scarlett and the Cannonball.
Kinsley and Carissa.
Boat Captain
Treacherous clouds on the horizon. . .
Kinsley on lookout duty, keeping an eye out for pirates.
Back on dry land, the Whites finally decided to show up.
Jeff and Carissa broke out this string-ball/ladder game thing that they brought up with them.
Some of the kids wanted to tube, seeing how Uncle Brian White had finally showed up and gotten his boat uncovered, so we decided to risk the impending doom (see nefarious clouds.)
Kris and Jill, clucking about mom stuff.
Levi and Alayna (who enjoys riding in the boat while others tube, as always.)
Pulling Jax and Owen on a tube (which I neglected to get pics of, unfortunately.)
All hell broke loose in the middle of the kids' tubing ride, of course, and so we had to scramble to reel them back in to the boat and quickly make a fast break for the lakehouse. We were getting pelted with fat-ass rain that felt like bullets as we sped across the water, so Jill obviously had to protect herself.
Brian works his boat hoist as quickly as humanly possible.
After an hour or so of rain, the storm blew past and the moms went back out to the waterfront to sit and shoot the shit.
Later on in the afternoon, it was time for the annual golf kart parade, so we gathered the kids up by the garage so they could check it out.
Folks around the lake decorate their golf karts then do a lap around the lake, tossing out candy and honking at their neighbors.
Kris is clearly super-excited to see golf karts. . .
These guys decked the kart out like a cop car and were passing out cop badge stickers to kids (and adults.)
Vultures. . .
There's only ever, like, twelve golf karts that participate in this - my parents didn't do it this year.
Now the kids have enough candy to last them through the next couple hours up at the lake. Just what they need. . .
Levi put a badge sticker on Bailey's diaper (he recently lost control of his bladder, or something like that, due to his failing health.)
Brian White, of course, was tasked with running the grill for dinner, whipping up some quick and easy dogs and brats for everyone.
Chow time.
Carissa and Jeff, pensively gazing out upon the lake.
An impromptu game of baseball in the yard, which generally seems to happen whenever Jax is up at the lake.
Kinsley sits wherever she damn well pleases, folks.
Jeff's kids (aside from Scarlett) also play baseball, so this activity kept them all occupied for a bit.
Watching the kids burn off some sugar on the back deck.
Aunt Jill whipped a wiffle ball straight at Kinsley's face at one point. Aunt of the Year, right here.
Back inside, Jeff's kids were dialed up to 11 and had to be put in their place frequently. Brian White don't take no shit from no one.
Alayna and Scarlett passing some time with his squares game (that me and my siblings used to play all the time while bored in church.)
I'm a huge hit with nephews, rest assured.
Not sure which kid drew this, but I'm afraid for either me or Jeff, that's for damn sure. Francesca looks gross as hell.
The sun begins to set over Eight Point Lake. . .
At 10pm, the traditional water-skier holding a torch zoomed around the lake. Per the usual, as he passes by every cottage on the lake, they're supposed to light off their flares, one by one, until the entire lake is ringed in flame.
Dad and I were on flare duty, and were able to get them lit and running a lot faster than last year.
Neighbors down the coastline began shooting off occasional fireworks, too. Nothing compared to Labor Day's much grander display, of course, but still appreciated.
The Whites had taken off by this time, having not wanted to stay late enough for the flares (I had to convince Kris to stay a little later, too - she wanted to leave early as well.)
Levi requested a pic of this. He's an odd, little man.
Watching flares - and some fireworks - over the lake, towards the end of the evening, shortly before we took off back to Midland.
Next time we'll be up at the lake will be for our annual extended stay, this time around when Bryan and Chelsey come up from Tennessee. Stay tuned for that (I'm sure) much more thrilling installment. . .

- Brian

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